Friday, November 11, 2022

PROPHECY UPDATE ................11/11/2022


Building Back Babel - Pete Garcia and Lee Brainard -


I'm pretty sure there are some Dave Ramsey fans in my reader base, but I've got to admit, I am not a fan. So if you're all about the baby steps, this might not be your kind of article. However, I will say that fiscal wisdom is a biblical principle, however, it's not the only biblical principle. We need to be good stewards of the things God has given us, but I think many people start off wanting to do the right thing but then get caught up in the façade that what they're building here now is going to last. Speaking of biblical principles, is building wealth here on earth really what Christ called us to do?


“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19-20


So why am I soured on old Dave you ask? Well, I can tell you, it's not personal. Neither is it his financial advice, which is actually quite good. Rather, it is his willfully ignorant attitude about the real threats we face as a nation, and the late prophetic season we happen to find ourselves. In my opinion, if you are still following any kind of long-term financial planning in the year 2022, it is a bit like polishing the door knobs on the Titanic after it already hit the iceberg.


Yes, we don't know the day or hour of the Rapture, but with skyrocketing national debt. our fiat currency in an irreversible collapse, the insane amount of nuclear saber rattling, and the plethora of existential threats coming at us from every direction, things are not looking up for the nation. I know we are living in an increasingly complex time and sound financial guidance about being debt free is almost a necessity these days. But we literally have the fate of western civilization balancing on a knife's edge, and Dave's still acting like it's 1992.


Look, I'm not bashing Dave Ramsey personally, nor his financial wizardry; I'm simply writing about the smug/dismissive attitude he has toward current events and bible prophecy. It's a general normalcy bias sentiment held by far too many pulpits across our once-great nation. It is indicative of the reality that modern, westernized, mainstream Christendom has become far too comfortable in this world and planted its roots far too deep for its own good.


The House Always Wins


I don't care if you're a dirt poor Christian with every credit card maxed out, or a graduate of the baby-step millionaire program, let us never forget that the earth is presently under the strategic and tactical control of our great adversary, Satan (1 John 5:19). This whole world is becoming increasingly geared toward making the Christian either compromise or be crushed underfoot altogether. There is no warm, safe, middle ground on this spiritual battlefield. No velvet-padded fences to straddle. We are at war, and if your goal is to live a soft, comfortable, trial-free life, then true, biblical Christianity is not for you. Furthermore, if you are not being attacked and afflicted by your enemy on a regular basis, you might want to stop and ask why.


Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:11-13


I wonder what financial advice Dave Ramsey is going to give his audience when our government begins mandating/implementing stakeholder capitalism and ESG rules across the board? When you look it up, note the focus on the environment (think Climate Change) and the insistence that corporations must align their values with social norms and values (this is central to ESG). Well, what are our social values today, and can the Bible-believing, born-again Christian go along with things like abortion on demand, the LGBT and anti-nuclear family agenda, gender ideology, critical race theory, historical revisionism, and the outright contempt for the entirety of the Judeo-Christian worldview?


This is but a taste of what is already in motion. Let's say that you followed all of Dave Ramsey's financial advice over the years and got out of debt, paid off your house, created a retirement nest egg in 401Ks, and even created some generational wealth to pass on to your grandchildren. Then one day, a government official notifies you that you violated the new hate speech laws because you posted Scripture on your social media. You either recant or face the full weight of the government. Do you risk everything you spent your life building, or do you kneel? What would Dave's advice be then? (See the difference between the two examples of Chick-Fil-A and the Colorado Christian Baker).


If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. John 15:19


The whole 'go along to get along' mentality may have worked in the past, but the closer we draw to the end, the more brutal the wake-up is going to be for many. You cannot both love the world and love God at the same time (Matt. 6:24). We are too close to the finish line now and Satan is furiously pulling out all the stops. If you are Christian now and you think you are winning in this world, you aren't. This is because the system is rigged. It's as my good friend Tyler says, the house (Babylonian system in this case) always wins.


At least for now.


The Matrix


However, before I go any further, let me just say what this article is, and what it isn't. Although I opened with a salvo on the 'Dave Ramsey eschatological misgivings,' this article is not about his smugness regarding Bible prophecy. He is simply a byproduct of this commercially saturated age within which we live. Neither is this a "let's bash modern western Christendom" obloquy either as if it was our fault for when and where we were born. Nevertheless, our wealth has clouded this generation's judgment and produced a Laodicean generation unlike any before it. This article isn't even really about the wily machinations of evil men, although they are a part of it.


It's far more expansive and comprehensive than that.


What we are addressing today is the subtle process of Luciferian acclimatization that seduces men to embrace this world. In this seduction, the normalcy bias sets in and blinds men to the reality of the nature of their plans, and of the world to come. This Luciferian agenda superimposes a worldview upon even the best of us, deceiving us into believing that this is all there is and that we should invest everything we have into this life. It does this, while simultaneously, desensitizing our spiritual nature and dimming our perspective on the nature of eternity. It's like having a digital simulation pulled over people's eyes and they are now blinded to how temporary this world really is, and that our only hope of salvation is through Jesus Christ.


Building Back Babel


Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:1-4


The tower of Babel is a familiar story to this audience, as many (including myself) have written often of it. For all my speculative projections over the years on this subject as to the who, what, when, where, and why, something caught my attention rather unexpectedly. Was the tower originally built solely as a projection of pride for the despot Nimrod? Was its construction, more esoteric in nature, as many have speculated to be a stargate into the heavenly realms? Or was its construction more pragmatic as to escape a potential future flood?


Perhaps it was all three.


Now there is no doubt as to what they were attempting to build, i.e., a massive ziggurat-type structure that reached into the heavens. Furthermore, there is not much debate as to the nature of this endeavor being something God was not pleased with (given the judgment of the dispersion). However, Scripture tells us precious little as to what the phrase let us make a name for ourselves actually meant. Does it mean they (the post-flood descendants) were all attempting to spite God collectively by building this gargantuan megalithic structure?


What if it wasn't spite that drove them to construct the tower initially, but fear? The fear of being forgotten. The fear of scattering to the four winds and letting history wash away the memory of them just as thoroughly as the flood waters had their forefathers. This seems more in keeping with why they didn't scatter immediately after departing the ark to "multiply and fill the earth" as they had been instructed by God in Genesis 9.


Presumably, Noah and family did what everyone else would have done in their situation upon leaving the ark. They traveled south to a more suitable region to live and most likely settled in the Khabor River Triangle (modern-day Syria). Nevertheless, it would take time to replenish their numbers. Even after a hundred years, a generous (yet realistic) birth rate of 3.2% would still only put their population under 200 people. As their elder, Noah would most likely have been their "king" with his three sons being the chief princes that ruled under him in this new world.


But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Genesis 11:5-6


As time passed (around 400 years by reasonable estimates), the number of Noah's descendants began to swell in the hundreds of thousands, and the memory of the great deluge drifted further from their collective memory. However, it's not hard to imagine that generation would want to build some kind of memorial or monument to mark them as the first civilization of this new world order.


They didn't want time or history to forget them or forget what had happened. Either way, let's assume for the time being that their motivation for beginning the tower was not originally intended to spite God. However, as is the case in most human endeavors, even the most well-intentioned projects get hijacked and corrupted along the way. Thus, the Bible notes this occasion in Genesis 11, not as a quaint story to satiate our curiosity, but as a cautionary tale of what is to come.


Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Gen. 11:7-9


The Antichrist Archetype


Nimrod, according to ancient testimony, led the world in rebellion against the true God. The testimony is nearly universal that Nimrod inspired and led the tower building. And the testimony is nearly universal that the world at large joined him in this endeavor. The question in my mind isn't whether this endeavor was viewed by God as a manifestation of the Nimrodian spirit (what we now know as the Babylonian spirit). That isn't up for debate.


Nimrod is a type of the antichrist. And his rebellion is both the pattern and the typology for the rebellion of the last days. The question is, what percentage of the world's population joined in this effort on the same apostate page as Nimrod, and what percentage joined in this effort because they believed the positive spin that presented the tower project as something good and positive for mankind, something that had mankind's survival and blessing in mind? Nimrod and his henchmen knew the real score. But they rallied the misguided world to their cause with a plausible platform that was promoted with soundbites and altruisms.


I think we see an analogy in our day. There are a handful of New World Order (NWO) elites, the deep state, and their henchmen, who know the real score. They are raging in intentional rebellion against the living God. But the world at large goes through life largely blind, taking up the messages and agendas of the last-days Babylonian religion with varying degrees of misguided altruism and ethics. For large-scale unity, there has to be some low-grade common denominator. Mutual hate, mutual fear, and mutual enemies are common instances. The cry of the last days seems to be "save the planet" and "tolerance." Both causes, at first glance, have a ring of nobility about them, and unless folks dive into the inner workings of these causes, it may escape their attention how diabolical they are.


It is difficult to read between the lines and discern what the ostensible motive of the masses was in Nimrod's day. To preserve the human race? To preserve their memory? To erect a memorial? To promote unity? But we don't actually have to plumb their motive. We only have to realize that they were persuaded by the same kind of layered deception that deceives men today. It should be noted that joining the NWO bandwagon on the basis of misguided altruism doesn't remove guilt, but it does mitigate it. All who are unsaved have Satan as their father. This does not imply that they are carbon copies of him. This only implies that they have been molded by him rather than by God. Ditto for those that joined the Nimrod bandwagon.


In a nutshell, Nimrod's motive was full-on evil. The movement and effort as a whole is characterized as evil. But the masses were drinking the deceitful kool-aid which recast the act of rebellion in an acceptable light. We don't know what this light is, but we know this is how Satan works from watching him work in our own day.


The truth is, the Babel dispersion was a judgment, but it was also heavily laced with divine grace. It was a mixture of judgment and grace, similar to God putting Adam and Eve out of the garden. It was judgment to put them out. But this judgment was heavily lined with grace. Had they eaten the fruit of the tree of life while in their fallen state, their future would have been miserable. Likewise, the judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah was a grace or gift for the cities around them, especially the nation of Israel, which was still in the loins of Abraham. All of God's judgments come with silver linings for His redeemed. The tower of Babel is no exception.


However, knowing the craftiness and wickedness of Satan, God knew how vulnerable mankind was had they remained united as one people, one culture, and one language. He knew Satan would take advantage of this unity and would quickly seek to bring the whole world under his subjugation through a man (e.g., Nimrod)...a man beholden to Satan himself. We see this playing out even in our own day.


In order to do that, Satan would need three things.


  1. The right technology
  2. The requisite level of global unity and moral ambiguity
  3. The perfect crisis


Mankind went nearly six thousand years moving at the speed of horse, and it's only been in the last two centuries we have seen technology skyrocket (literally) across every domain. We've also seen humanity embrace humanistic philosophies that put much daylight between man and God's word, so much so, that humanity is increasingly blinded to the truth.


So what is the crisis du jour?


It began as global cooling, and then the world warmed up. Then it was global warming, and the earth cooled down. The big lie then became the 'catch all' climate change, brought about by fossil fuels (oil and gas) and our "carbon footprint."


Yes, carbon. The building block of all life on planet earth. The same gas we exhale in our breath. Yes, fossil fuels which our entire world economy is currently operating on. This is what globalists want to tax (carbon) and destroy (fossil fuels) to bring about a digital new world order they can control with 100% cruel efficiency.


What will make you mad, is that we could have already had free, clean energy a century ago, but Satan evoked supernatural levels of greed, pride, and corruption amongst the 19th and 20th-century "robber barons" (Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, etc.) which effectively bankrupted and canceled an inventor like Nikola Tesla before this technology could be given to the masses. Interestingly, Tesla (1856-1943) lived at the same time when God was stirring the Jewish people (Zionism) to return back to their land.




Satan is the god and ruler of this world. His ambition is not the blessing of mankind but the ruin of mankind. Yes, science and technology are gifts from God. But the technology that prevails in the world is that which is most easily and profitably exploited by the few at the expense of the many. Make no mistake, the trajectory of technology in the current day is not for the blessing and freedom of mankind, but for the enslavement and destruction of mankind. In Revelation 18, we find an interesting description of the Beast kingdom's economic priorities and how it rank-orders its precious commodities from most valuable to least.


“And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise any more: merchandise of 1) gold and silver, 2) precious stones and pearls, 3) fine linen and purple, 4) silk and scarlet, 5) every kind of citron wood, 6) every kind of object of ivory, 7) every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; and 8) cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, 9) wine and oil, 10) fine flour and wheat, 11) cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and 12) bodies and souls of men. Revelation 18:11-13 (my emphasis)


Although Satan is a defeated foe in the very literal sense of the word, he is still a very dangerous foe that we must contend with in the time we have left here. The Apostle Peter wasn't just fear-mongering when he said that Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Satan really does, and he is really good at sifting believers like wheat. Even the strongest of us over the course of history have been laid low by the schemes of the devil at times.


So when we look back through history and see how things have come to be, we should take note that Satan has not put all of his eggs in any single basket. From our perspective, he's already lost the war. However, for whatever reason, he still believes he has a chance, or he would have given up long ago. And in his mind, he wouldn't risk winning a few battles, only to lose the war. He's playing to win and he doesn't care who he kills or what he destroys to avoid the fate that awaits him. Given that reality, he has spread the spirit of antichrist far and wide, and everyone who is not born again is swept up in its net.




Scripture gives us the big picture outline of how things would become, but much of the lesser details are simply left for the respective generation(s) to figure out. For example, "wars and rumors of war" is a pretty vague statement. But when we see all of what takes place to get to that stage (i.e., the off-chance assassination of Franz Ferdinand by an unhinged anarchist) that would ultimately trigger two world wars, and give rise to one of the most maniacal regimes in history (and the death of almost 100M people) are simply left for that generation to see unfold.


Satan is busy building back the global empire he once held under Nimrod. However, we worship a God who exists outside of time and space and is not bound by it. Therefore, when God declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10), we can trust that implicitly. So here are the global trends that the Bible states, will come to pass in the last days that every Christian (even those fully invested in this life) would do wise to heed. We see Satan building back his kingdom in these six areas:


  1. Globalization via regionalization: The world continues to embrace globalization through institutions like the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and about thirty other transnational organizations (Rev 13:7)
  2. Global currency: The world continues to march toward a single world currency most likely because the current global reserve currency (the US Dollar) collapses; (Rev 13:16-18)
  3. Global religion: The world moves toward a single world religion through the UN, the Vatican, and dozens of transnational interfaith and ecumenical organizations (Rev 13:4, 8, 15)
  4. Antisemitism: The rising global animosity towards the nation of Israel is demonic in nature, and is close to reaching a fever pitch; (Zech. 12:2-3, 14:1-2, Matt. 24:15-22, Rev. 12, 16:12-16)
  5. Apostasy: Satan is fully invested in trying to corrupt the Church. Thus, we see the state of modern Christendom apostatizing under the corrupting influence of the world and its hopeless addiction to this present darkness (Matt. 24:4, 11, 24; 2 Peter 2-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-9; Jude; Rev. 3:14-18; Rev. 13, 17)
  6. The Global leader: The popularity of the celebrity leaders and the rise of a single world leader after the Rapture of the Church. We've seen it already numerous times in the past three centuries with the likes of Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, and Obama. We are being prepped to embrace it again through the use of mass media and propaganda (Daniel 8:23-25, 9:27, 11:35-45, Rev. 6:1-2, 13)


Satan very much wants to revive another man like Nimrod, and he will. Satan will blend his supernatural power into technology, to woo the masses and deceive them into again, blindly following this man to their own destruction. He is making universalism the appeal to all nations and causes, so much so, that nations are even now, attempting to unshackle themselves from their home nation-states to embrace a new global government in order to "save the planet." Meanwhile, the modern churches are asleep at the wheel with men promising them normal is coming back and to plan for the next fifty years, completely blind to the times in which they live.


Yes, the world is building back, but not better, but Babel.



The Dangerous Nexus: Russia and Iran's Mullahs - by Majid Rafizadeh -


The Iranian regime is now providing weapons and troops to Russia with full impunity. What are the ruling mullahs of Iran getting in return?


First of all, Iran's theocratic establishment is rushing to cross the nuclear threshold in order to become a nuclear-armed state. Iran wants Russia to help it bolster and speed up its nuclear program. On October 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accurately warned:


"In eight months of full-scale war, Russia has used almost 4,500 missiles against us. And their stock of missiles is dwindling. Therefore, Russia went looking for affordable weapons in other countries to continue its terror. It found them in Iran."


Zelensky added:


"I have a question for you – how does Russia pay Iran for this, in your opinion? Is Iran just interested in money? Probably not money at all, but Russian assistance to the Iranian nuclear program. Probably, this is exactly the meaning of their alliance."


The Iranian regime, which has long argued that it is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons due to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's reported "fatwa" forbidding such an act, has lately changed its tone and is boasting that it currently has the ability to build a nuclear bomb.


In July, Kamal Kharrazi, Iran's former foreign minister, acknowledged to Al Jazeera:


"It's no secret that we have become a quasi-nuclear state. This is a fact. And it's no secret that we have the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb... In the past, and within just a few days, we were able to enrich uranium up to 60%, and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium."


Kharrazi added that "what we want is a Middle East without any nuclear weapons" -- most likely meaning that only Iran will hold onto nuclear weapons, but not any other country.


Other Iranian officials have also come out admitting that the regime's nuclear program was always designed to manufacture nuclear weapons. In April, it was reported that former deputy speaker of the Iranian Parliament Ali Motahari said:


"From the very beginning, when we entered the nuclear activity, our goal was to build a bomb and strengthen the deterrent forces but we could not maintain the secrecy of this issue."


The former head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani, also acknowledged that his work was part of a "system" designed to develop nuclear weapons. According to a report from November 2021:


"The former AEOI head also told IRNA that he worked with [nuclear scientist Mohsen] Fakhrizadeh on 'nuclear defense.'


"Abbasi claimed that Fakhrizadeh had been targeted by Iran's enemies for years, but 'when the country's all-encompassing growth came concerning satellites, missiles, and nuclear weapons, and [Iran] crossed the various frontiers of knowledge, the issue became more serious for them.'"


The Biden administration's non-existent leadership has helped the ruling mullahs to buy time in the last two years and speed up their nuclear program, increasing their uranium enrichment from 20% to 60%, conducting uranium metal research, development and production, and adding additional advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges. The emboldened regime of the mullahs even announced that they would not allow the International Atomic Energy to see images of the centrifuges.


Even a joint statement issued by the UK, France and Germany stressed that Tehran "has no credible civilian need for uranium metal R&D and production, which are a key step in the development of a nuclear weapon."


Russia and Iran previously worked together to construct several nuclear reactors in Iran and advance the regime's nuclear technology.


Biden's new nuclear deal, if reached, will also allow Russia to cash in on a $10 billion contract to further expand Iran's nuclear infrastructure. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stunningly made it clear to US lawmakers that the Biden administration will not stand in the way of Russian-Iranian nuclear cooperation and Russia cashing in on the $10 billion contract. State Department spokesman Ned Price repeated the Biden administration's stance by pointing out:


"We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA".


Sadly, this still seems to be the legacy that the Biden administration wants to leave: Iran's predatory regime, the top state sponsor of terrorism, armed with nuclear bombs, and an empowered Russia that does not hesitate to use aggression and military force to invade other countries.


No wonder Biden is being called a "Russian stooge."

Prophecy Update Videos

Amid A World That Continues To Grow Darker – By Amir Tsarfati -


It was an interesting day in America on Tuesday. For some of you in the US, you saw great victories in your state and in your district. For many others, there was a sense of disappointment in your local and statewide races and ballot measures. As we step back and look at the overall picture, much of the optimism surrounding the day was not realized by the results.


As soon as it appeared that it wasn’t going to be the game-changing event that many on the right thought it might be, I began to get messages. “Amir, what do you think of the results?” Here is my take. If you, as a member of God’s church, prayed over the election and went and did your part by voting for righteousness and life, then you should feel contented and encouraged. Sure, the votes may not have gone the way you prayed for, and there may have been some hanky-panky going on in your state or district, but that is not your responsibility. Your job is to obey by praying and fulfilling your role as a citizen. The results are up to God.


It reminds me of a story I love which takes place after Jesus’ resurrection. Two disciples were on their way to the town of Emmaus, fretting as they talked over the death of Jesus and the subsequent disappearance of His body. Jesus walked up beside them and joined their journey, but they didn’t recognize Him. At His prompting, they poured out their woes to this man they thought to be a stranger. In response, Jesus said, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” (Luke 24:25-26) Then, going back to the Torah and to the prophets, Jesus opened their eyes to what was really going on. They were bogged down in the circumstances; Jesus showed them the big picture. The Lord suffered, but it was all part of a glorious plan that the Father had laid out before the beginning of time. We may suffer blows on this earth, but Jesus is alive and is coming soon. That is our awaited hope and source of joy amid a world that continues to grow darker.


There is nothing wrong with being frustrated and discouraged at many of the results of Tuesday’s election. However, we can’t forget that we are just looking at the trees. The forest of God’s plan is still intact, and the fulfillment of the prophecies surrounding the coming Day of the Lord grow closer with every election cycle. We must never weary in doing good. Continue to pray, continue to fulfill the duties of your dual citizenship – your earthly and your heavenly – and trust God with all the parts that are above your spiritual paygrade. No matter which way the votes go, He will never let us down.


Galatians 6:9-10 KJV – “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”


Israel Prepares for a New Government


Israel’s certified election results were presented to President Isaac Herzog yesterday, who will task Benjamin Netanyahu in the next few days to form a new government. According to the Israeli media, the two most pressing issues that the returning prime minister must address are attacking Iran’s nuclear sites and continuing the peace process with Saudi Arabia. Netanyahu has experience with both. A piece of good news for the incoming PM is the discovery by Energean PLC of 13 billion cubic meters of commercial natural gas in the Olympus area off Israel’s shores. Also in the Olympus area, the company has realized another 3.75 billion cubic meters in its Athena site.


Netanyahu Receives Congratulations from around the World


Congratulations poured in to Benjamin Netanyahu following his party’s election victory. “I spoke with the leaders of Hungary, Greece, Poland, Romania, and Austria, who congratulated me on winning the elections,” he tweeted on Friday. Also passing along their salutations were Emmanuel Macron of France, Narendra Modi of India, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, and Rishi Sunak of the UK. Although the new UK prime minister offered pleasant words, Sunak’s spokeswoman made sure to let the world know that, despite the previous PM’s consideration of an embassy relocation to Jerusalem, in a Sunak government, “There are no plans to move the British embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv.” US President Joe Biden also called the in-coming prime minister, saying, “We are brothers. We can make history together.” It’s best I let that one just sit there. One more organization who sent their congrats was the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, only they did it in the form of four rockets fired into Israel. The Israeli Air Force acknowledged the gesture with one of their own, striking an underground rocket factory on the edge of the al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza.


Israel Strikes Weapons Convoy


Tuesday saw Israel using UAVs to strike a convoy of trucks near the border of Iraq and Syria. At first it was thought that it was part of a gas smuggling operation, but yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that it was a weapons cache that was hit. Among the ten killed were some Iranians, indicating that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was part of the operation.


Palestinian Jihad Against Stray Dogs


While every dog may have its day, this is not the day to be a dog in Hebron. The city’s mayor, Tayseer Abu Sneineh, announced that anyone who killed or handed over a stray dog would receive 20 shekels (approx. 5.60 USD). The move was widely condemned in the Palestinian Authority. However, there were still plenty who jumped at the chance to earn some extra money. Many were seen trapping the strays and killing them, including numerous children who were beating dogs to death with sticks. The mayor later said he was only kidding.


Russia Threatens Israel


Bloomberg News reported that Moscow has reiterated a threat toward Israel it had made prior to the elections. If Israel provides defensive weapons to Ukraine or if their missile interceptors arrive through a third country, Russia will retaliate. Last month, President Dmitry Medvedev said that Israeli interference would “destroy all diplomatic relations” between the two countries.


Russia Withdraws from Kherson while Kyiv Prepares to Evacuate its Citizens


In a blow to their morale and reputation, Russia is withdrawing from the city of Kherson. However, the commander of Russian forces in Ukraine, General Sergey Surovikin, is very experienced and knows what he is doing. For him, attacking critical infrastructure facilities before the winter and abusing the civilian population will do a much better job at breaking Ukraine down than will sacrificing his own soldiers. These are the same type of ruthless tactics he employed in Syria. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the capital city of Kyiv is planning for total evacuation of its three million residents should the electricity grid fail. “If there’s no power, there will be no water and no sewage. That’s why currently the government and city administration is taking all possible measures to protect our power supply system,” said Roman Tkachuk, the director of security for the Kyiv municipal government. The city is also creating 1,000 heating centers should they become necessary.


Russia/China Trade Increases Significantly


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent Western sanctions have forced Moscow to look east for trade partners. Since the beginning of the conflict, Russia’s trade with China has increased 33%, as compared to just 5.1% growth between Washington and Beijing. This shifting of economic alliances is evidence of a global geopolitical change that is taking place, centered around China. President Xi Jinping of China stated that the world “is going through fundamental changes that have not been seen for a century.” These changes include not just economic alliances, but military. Xi emphasized that “the Chinese army must implement the community party’s vision and strengthen itself for the new era.” It will do this through advanced weaponry and through the coalitions it forms with other nations.


Iran Seeks Russian Help for Nuclear Program


US intelligence officials believe that Iran is seeking help from Russia to bolster its nuclear weapons program – a program Tehran insists does not exist. The barter with Moscow involves Iran providing weapons for Russia’s war with Ukraine, while in return the Islamist regime will receive nuclear materials and assistance in nuclear fuel fabrication.


Protests Continue in Iran


The protests against Iran’s religious regime show no sign of abating. The younger generation has lost their respect for the Muslim mullahs, and has begun showing their disdain by running past the revered clerics and flipping their turbans off their heads. We need to pray for the disillusioned people of Iran. The only way the regime can remain in power is through fear and intimidation. Once that is lost, the sole method of regaining it is through extreme violence.


North Korea Threatens with Missiles while Attacking through the Internet


Kim Jong Un was not a fan of last Friday’s military exercises involving the US and South Korea, so his air force flew 180 military flights over a span of four hours near the north/south border. The hermit regime then proceeded to launch four short-range ballistic missiles into the sea. That was quite the expensive temper tantrum. In a more tangible attack, some North Korean hackers tried to break into the systems of an Israeli cryptocurrency company by posing as one of the company’s Japanese suppliers. Their goal was to siphon funds for the nation’s nuclear program. Although the penetration was detected and halted, authorities believe that this was only an initial attempt and they expect more.


More Evidence that Climate Change is Destined to be the New World Religion


At the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference on Tuesday, John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and former Secretary of State, was seen shaking hands with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, a man upon whom in 2020 the US placed a bounty of $15 million for his capture due to his involvement in narco-terrorism. Despite the two men sharing a friendly conversation, the US State Department blew it off as not “planned or substantive in any way.” Unplanned as it may have been, it is hard to ignore two key points. First, the US has put itself in dangerous waters when it comes to oil and Venezuela has a lot of it for sale. Second, the fact that this was at a climate change conference should not go unaddressed. More and more, “saving the earth” will break barriers between enemies, uniting the nations of the world under a common cause. In one more story of climate change craziness, France has started banning short-haul flights in the cause of a greener world.


If there is a train or bus alternative of two and a half hours or less, then those alternative modes of transportation must be employed instead.


Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Joy - By Grant Phillips -


I have been hearing from some Christians who are struggling with their faith, stating that, on occasion, they have doubts about their salvation. The thought pattern may go something like this: “Am I really saved? Will Jesus say to me, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me?'”


This thinking comes from Matthew 7:23, which states, “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”


Thinking that we might be one of the “them” from Jesus’ statement in Matthew 7:23 can be unnerving. Maybe we need to look at more than just this one verse.


“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:21-23).


At this point in Matthew, Jesus was finishing up His message to the crowd. When we read the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety, one truth in particular will jump out at us, and that is: we cannot keep the Law, and if we cannot keep the Law, we most assuredly cannot keep the Sermon on the Mount.


The Pharisees prided themselves in thinking that they kept the Law of Moses, but Jesus upped the ante in the Sermon on the Mount. For example, Jesus said that if you even look upon another with lust, let alone carry it out, it is adultery.


“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28).


Only Jesus can keep the Law of Moses, and only He can and does keep the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. Our righteousness is as filthy rags.


“But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away” (Isaiah 64:6).


No one will enter the kingdom of Heaven (God) apart from the saving power of Jesus. He made it clear when He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).


The gospel of the kingdom is that all who repent and believe in Jesus will be redeemed and restored. All who do not will be condemned.


“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).


All of those who hear Jesus say, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” will have failed to do the Father’s will (v. 21). What is the Father’s will?


“This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:39-40).


Those in Matthew 7:22 are rejecting the Father’s will. They are all rejecting the one way that God has provided, which is through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus’ works we are saved, not our own.


When Christians have doubts, some will advise that the mere fact that they are concerned is an indication they are saved, and I agree. Satan’s followers would not be concerned since their pride would be in the way.


Even today, there is no shortage of those who claim to be Christian but show no evidence that they follow Jesus.


The Lord says through the apostle Paul that we should examine ourselves.


“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? —unless indeed you are disqualified” (2 Corinthians 13:5).


Having read everything up to this point, it is obvious that there are many who are missing the point of salvation, which is that everything hinges upon Jesus. Without the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, there is no salvation. Those who brag that “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” have actually ridden on their own coattails. Any day of the week, you can turn on your television and witness those proclaiming Christ with their hand in your back pocket and their eyes on your checkbook while they fly away in their private jet to one of their estates. They steal from the poor to become rich, all in the name of the Savior and Lord they say they worship.


God will never condemn anyone for being rich or poor. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Condemnation will come to those who reject Jesus and HIS works. I believe it to be accurate that most people will leave this world lost because they have trusted in themselves instead of Jesus. Instead of repenting and placing their trust in Him as a little child, their pride has gotten in the way.


We must understand that Satan is the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the most intelligent creature God ever created. If he had the nerve to tempt Jesus, the Son of God, you and I are nothing. This is reason enough that we must lean totally upon Jesus.


God said, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). If you have done this, you are His. Believe it.


Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one” (John 10:27-30). Believe it.


You say, “but I still sin.” When saying that, we are forgetting that Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). No matter how good we are, no one could ever be good enough to be saved by their own works.


Concerning our sins, when we were saved, this is how God dealt with our sins.


“He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father pities his children, So the LORD pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:10-14).


When we sin as Christians, we cannot lose our salvation, but we hurt our fellowship with Him, just as we hurt our fellowship with our earthly parents when we disobeyed. So, what do we do?


“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).


Regardless of the reason for occasional doubts, we need to fellowship with Him daily through His Word and prayer. Don’t let Satan steal your joy.


If we don’t maintain our car or the house we live in, what happens? What happens with our body and mind if we don’t feed and exercise them? Understand that I am not talking about us working daily to keep our salvation. Our salvation is guaranteed and in God’s hands, not ours. I am speaking of fellowship.


“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22, emphasis mine).


“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14, emphasis mine).


“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30, emphasis mine).


If a baby does not eat, it will starve. As it grows, it must continue to be nourished with food, water and fellowship within the family to remain healthy. It is no different with a born-again child of God. We must be nourished and maintain fellowship within our spiritual family.


Most people bathe and consume food and drink on a daily basis, but how often do we tend to our spiritual needs? I am convinced, from my own experience, that the more we are in God’s Word and talk with Him through prayer, the harder it is for Satan to attack us. What was it Peter said?


“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).


“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).


Satan wants us to doubt God. Don’t think so? Read Genesis 3:1-4. He stole the joy of the world when he got Eve to doubt God. I had a Sunday School teacher years ago that would say, “God said it. I believe it, and that settles it.” That’s pretty good advice.


The next time, if there is a next time, doubts arise, just say to yourself, “I’m not falling for that again. God said it. I believe it, and that settles it.”


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1).


Grant Phillips



Pre-Rapture Commentary:

Rapture Ready:

Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: A call from the grave – Bill Wilson –


Imagine two men talking over a cup of coffee about their future families, and three hundred years later their granddaughter and grandson were married. Think about all the things that had to fall into place for that to happen. All the trials and tribulations, joys and tragedies in between. My 11th great grandfather on my mother’s side of the family was Richard Warren. My 13th great grandfather on my father’s side of the family was William Bradford. Both signed the Mayflower Compact that Bradford co-wrote. And here is why on this 402nd anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, a call from the grave centuries ago is so important to my family, and to yours as well.


Grandpas Warren and Bradford were two of 41 who signed the Mayflower Compact. Bradford became governor of the Massachusetts colony, and is credited with inventing the free market system. Through the Mayflower Compact along with the faith and toil of the brave men and women who endured such great hardship, the foundations of a new nation were established—a beacon of religious and economic freedom in covenant to one another toward the glory of God. And unto Bradford’s death his gravestone calls out to all of us, “What our forefathers with so much difficulty secured, do not basely relinquish.”


The Mayflower Compact declares, “Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honor of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.”


With these words, 41 men agreed to govern in submission and obedience to God. And it wasn’t easy. Bradford wrote in “of Plymouth Plantation”, “In two or three month’s time half of their company died…scarcely 50 remained, and sometimes two or three persons died in a day… that while they had health or strength, they forsook none that had need of them.” Their Virginia Company Charter, however, called for common ownership of land, property, food, drink, clothing, and provisions. Bradford saw that this socialist concept was detrimental to the colony because it inspired laziness and a lack of productivity. He drew from the Mayflower Compact to make a change for the general good of the colony. He abolished the socialist structure, giving ownership of land to each person and two days a week for “their own private employment.”


This was the first capitalist system and the colony then prospered. As America embraces socialism and human secularism, let us remember that only 41 men began a nation with their signatures. We have far greater numbers today. As we commemorate the 402nd Anniversary of the Mayflower Compact on November 11, let us return to the purity and purpose of this foundational covenant of governing in all due submission and obedience to God and the advancement of the Christian faith. Let us deliberately and intentionally reclaim, as Bradford’s reminder from the grave “what our forefathers with so much difficulty secured.” As Christ said in Matthew 19:26, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” 

Daily Devotion: A Dangerous Lesson - by Greg Laurie –


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might —Ephesians 6:10


Some people think they can take on the Devil. Maybe you’ve even seen some TV preachers mocking the Devil and calling him names.


Yet the Bible tells us, “Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’” (Jude 1:9 NKJV).


If someone as powerful as the archangel Michael would not engage with the Devil, then how much more should we keep our distance from him? James tells us, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (4:7 NKJV).


In the book of Acts, we find a story about some men called the sons of Sceva who thought they were exorcists. By the way, there are people today who say they have the ministry of exorcism, but there’s no such ministry in the Bible. We find examples of demons being cast out, but no one was called to be an exorcist. In fact, the Bible’s only mention of exorcists refers to people who weren’t even believers to begin with.


Here’s the trouble that the sons of Sceva got themselves into. They found a man who was demon possessed and told him, “We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches” (Acts 19:13 NKJV).


The evil spirit replied, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” (verse 15 nkjv). Then the man attacked them and almost killed them.


We need to keep our distance from the Devil. He’s a lot more powerful than we may think. Don’t play around with sin, and don’t play around with Satan.


Instead, here’s what we need to do: “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10 NKJV). Before it says anything about putting on the armor of God, the Bible tells us to stand in the Lord and in His strength. It tells us to stand in His might. 

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