Thursday, March 2, 2023



John’s Revelation of the Millennium – Part II – Randy Nettles -




Clement of Alexandria was a well-known Christian scholar of the 2nd century. He became the head of a catechetical school in Alexandria in 190 AD. While in this post, he wrote three books that have survived. Clement adopted an allegorical method of interpreting the Bible, using Greek philosophy as a means of understanding the Scripture. He taught Origen, who became the early theologian of the Eastern Church.


Origen (185-254 AD), considered the greatest scholar of his age, was born in a Christian family in Alexandria, Egypt. A prolific writer, Origen authored more than two thousand works, including commentaries on almost every book of the Bible. Origen was primarily responsible for making allegorical interpretation of the Bible the standard hermeneutic from his time through the Middle ages and beyond. Because he included many concepts from Plato in his teaching, he is considered a father of both orthodoxy and heresy. It is believed his writing contributed to Augustine’s conversion (nearly two centuries later) to this philosophy/theology. Prior to Origen, Clement of Alexandria, and the liberal school of theology at Alexandria, which spiritualized and allegorized scripture, a premillennial eschatology view prevailed within the church.


It wasn’t until Augustine of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa, was converted to Christianity in the late 4th century AD that amillennialism became the dominant view of eschatology in the church. Amillennialism doesn’t mean there isn’t a millennium but is just the span of church history in which Christians live, then die, then go to heaven. Christ doesn’t rule and reign from the earth but merely returns to the earth and judges the world. Augustine’s viewpoint became the prevailing doctrine of the Roman Church, and it was adopted with variations by most of the Protestant Reformers along with many other teachings of Augustine. The writings of Augustine, in fact, caused the decline of premillennialism by most of the organized church.


“Augustine conceived of the present age as a conflict between the City of God and the City of Satan, or the conflict between the church and the world. This was viewed as moving on to the ultimate triumph of the church to be climaxed by a tremendous struggle in which the church would be apparently defeated, only to consummate in a tremendous triumph in the second coming of Christ to the earth. Augustine held that the present age of conflict is the millennium. Following as he did the chronology of the LXX which is somewhat longer than Ussher’s chronology (using the Masoretic text), he found that the Christian era is the sixth millennium from creation. In contrast, the Masoretic text reckons the Christian era begins in the fourth millennium.


This age apparently began somewhat before Christ, according to chronology, but Satan in any case was bound, during the lifetime of Christ on earth (Luke 10:18). Augustine put it, “This binding of Satan began when the church began to spread from Judaea into other regions, and lasts yet, and shall do until his time be expired.” Augustine considered the progress of the millennium in his day (400 AD) well advanced and predicted the consummation would occur in the year 650 AD. Augustine, however, qualified his date setting. He states: “In vain therefore do we try to reckon the remainder of the world’s years… Some say that it shall last four hundred, some five hundred, some a thousand years after the ascension. Everyone has his view, it was vain to try to show on what grounds.”


Revelation 20 was, therefore, a recapitulation of the present age which Augustine held was portrayed in the earlier chapters of Revelation. The present age, for Augustine, is the millennium promised in Revelation 20. Augustine, however, also held to a future millennium, to round out the seven millenniums from Adam which he believed comprised the history of man. This future millennium, he believed, was not literal but is synonymous with eternity – a use of the number in a symbolic sense only. In Augustine, then, we have specific and concrete teaching on the millennium. There is no future millennium in the ordinary meaning of the term. The present age is the millennium; Satan is bound now; when Christ returns the present millennium will close, and then the future millennium or eternity will begin.


It is clear that in arriving at his conclusion regarding the millennium Augustine used the principle of spiritualizing Scripture freely. While he did not use this principle in interpreting Scripture relating to predestination, hamartiology, salvation, or grace, he found it suitable for interpreting prophecy. A candid examination of his interpretation leaves the examiner with the impression that Augustine did not give a reasonable exegesis of Scripture involved. Augustine’s doctrine that Satan is bound in this age – an essential of his system of interpretation – is a notable illustration of spiritualized and strained exegesis (cf. Luke 10:18 and Revelation 20:2-3). Nothing is clearer from Scripture, the history of the church, and the Christian experience than that Satan is exceedingly active in this present age against both Christians and unbelievers.


The exegesis of Augustine on Revelation 20 as a whole, fares no better. After concluding that the binding of Satan is synonymous with the victory of Christ in His first advent, he draws the strained conclusion that the first resurrection of Revelation 20:5 is the spiritual birth of believers. The Augustinian concept of the binding of Satan has already been shown to be without Scriptural or historical warrant. Certainly, there has been no real change in the working of Satan in the world and plainly no lack of activity of Satanic forces. The concept of progress and a triumphant church while not stressed by Augustine in a postmillennial (and/or a millennial) way, falls far short of fulfillment or even significant attainment. The Christin era has been no golden age of righteousness nor has the church conquered the world. It is more accurate to recognize that the world has to a large degree possessed the church.


The Roman Church did not make any significant advances in the doctrine after Augustine, and Protestant teachings did not fare much better. Without attempting, within the limited discussion possible here, an analysis of the whole Protestant Reformation, it is safe to conclude that the early years of Protestantism saw little if any advance over the Augustinian view. It is clear that the great Protestant leaders such as Calvin, Luther, and Melanchthon are properly classified as amillennial. As far as millennial teaching was concerned, they were content to follow the Roman Church in a weakened Augustinian viewpoint.


Because of the analytic treatment of amillennialism from a modern viewpoint, it will be sufficient here to observe the broad trend of amillennialism in modern times. For the most part, amillennialists of today such as Allis and Berkhof claim to follow in the hallowed tradition of Augustine while admitting the need for adjustment of his view to the actual modern situation. A new type of amillennialism has arisen, however, of which Warfield can be taken as an example which is actually a totally new type of amillennialism.


The new view instead follows the line of teaching that the millennium is distinct from the church age though it precedes the second advent. To solve the problem of the correlation of this interpretation with the hard facts of a world of unbelief and sin, they interpreted the millennium as a picture not of a time period but of a state of blessedness of the saints in heaven. The new amillennium view requires spiritualization not only of Revelation 20 but of all the many Old Testament passages dealing with a golden age of a righteous kingdom on earth.” 4. Amillenniallism from Augustine to Modern Times |


Augustine originally embraced Chiliasm, in which Christ would return to the earth after 6000 years of history (LXX reckoning). Some early Chiliasts put the date of the Second Coming, the beginning of the literal millennium, somewhere near 500 AD, within mere decades of the sack of Rome. With the sack of Rome by the German Visigoths in 410 AD, the chiliasts seized upon the catastrophic current events of the day to relate them to Christ’s imminent return (Second Coming). Some even taught that Christians would enjoy wonderfully carnal delights during the millennium, but before then, the world would go through great tribulation.


“Augustine began to believe this literal view of the millennium to be unnecessarily foolish, making Christianity vulnerable to the mocking critique of the pagans. Those who preached about carnal delights, in the soon-to-be future millennial reign of Christ, had become too ‘worldly’ in their thinking. Instead, Augustine refused to speculate on when the Second Coming might happen. But in order to see how this more thoughtful view fit within his larger understanding of the Bible, he had to rethink the meaning of the millennium.


A renegade, but very talented, Bible teacher, a man by the name of Tyconius, helped Augustine out here. Augustine did not agree with all that Tyconius taught, but Augustine was intrigued by the idea that the “binding of Satan” in Revelation 20:2-3 happened, not at Christ’s Second Coming, but rather at his First Coming. Christ bound Satan at His work on the Cross in the 1st century AD, at the very beginning of the millennium. Satan’s influence was not fully eliminated, but his power was greatly restrained, at least until he would be later released towards the end of this millennium. Only at the very end of the millennial period would Satan temporarily have his way for a brief time.


So, even if the Roman empire were to perish, it did not mean “the end of the world.” Jesus would still rule and reign in his church. People should put their trust in God, and not in political empires. As a result, Augustine understood the “millennium” to be synonymous with the age of the church, and that the “1000 years” should be interpreted figuratively, ending at an unknown time, thus avoiding the temptation of the chiliasts, who were forever trying to fix dates for Jesus’ return.


Augustine’s argument eventually won the day. The old Roman empire, as the people knew it at the time, eventually did crumble. The northern hordes did further plunder the riches of Roman cities. But the church, over the succeeding centuries, was able to preach the Gospel among these barbarians, and eventually win them over to Christ. From those many nations, Christ continued to build His victorious church. This demonstrated that despite the loud rancor of Satan, he was still bound, and his power was limited. The flow of history appeared to vindicate Augustine’s views.


Chiliasm, as associated with the belief in historic premillennialism, soon faded from view, and Augustine’s amillennial interpretation maintained dominance, for the most part, in the minds of Western Christians, until about the 17th century. The fracture of European Christendom, occasioned by the events of the Reformation, led some Protestant thinkers to eventually rethink the meaning of the millennium. But it was not until the 19th-century birth of dispensationalism with its emphasis on God’s future purposes for national, ethnic Israel, and the founding of the modern nation-state of Israel in 1948, that premillennialism once again flourished within the thinking of the evangelical church.” Why Saint Augustine Changed His Mind About the Millennium | Veracity (


In my opinion, Augustine was searching for another hermeneutic to explain Revelation 20:2-3 other than Chiliasm for pious reasons. He chose to forsake the literal interpretation of a 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth (after Jesus’ second advent) for an allegoric interpretation where the millennium was simply another name for the Church age. Augustine held that the present age of conflict is the millennium and its duration is indeterminant. This view of allegorizing the millennium spread to allegorizing other prophecies of the Bible relating to future events and eschatology. This change in Augustine’s eschatology resulted in a change in his soteriology as well.


Premillennialism began to die out in the established Catholic Church during the life of Augustine (A.D. 354-430). Chiliasm was suppressed by the dominant Catholic Church but survived through various "fringe" groups of Christians during the medieval period. During the Protestant Reformation, Anabaptists and Huguenots helped to revive premillennialism and it was adopted among some Puritans during the Post-Reformation era.


During the Reformation era (1517-1648), reformers like Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, John Calvin, Hugh Latimer, Nicolas Ridley, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, and others challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church’s ability to define Christian practice. They argued for a religious and political redistribution of power to the authority of Bible pastors and political leaders. The key ideas of the Reformation were a call to purify the Church and a belief that the Bible, not tradition, should be the sole source of spiritual authority. 


Augustine’s writings were a great influence on these learned men of God. Martin Luther joined the Order of Saint Augustine at Erfurt, Germany in July 1505, and received a spiritual formation that focused on “Great Father Augustine.” Luther’s theology was heavily influenced by Augustine in spiritual issues of sin, predestination, grace, faith, and interpretation of Scripture. In the development of his theology, Martin Luther turned to the writings and thoughts of Augustine more than to any other individual source except the Bible. This also included an amillennial interpretation of the book of Revelation and other eschatological scripture. 


Like the medieval church before him, Luther rejected a future physical millennial reign and interpreted Revelation 20 as a description of the historical church rather than the end of history. In the present age (after Christ’s death and resurrection), the church must continue to endure the hostility of both the world and Satan until the lordship of Christ is made clear at the end. Luther also had a problem with the Jews. At first, he was sympathetic to their plight and believed they could be converted to Christianity, but when he heard rumors of Jewish efforts to convert Christians to Judaism his sympathy was replaced with hatred. He believed God had deserted the Jews and turned His attention to the “new Israel,” the Christian church. Luther thus accepted the existing notion that the promise given to the Jews was now transferred to the Church.


“By 1543, Luther proposed seven measures of control should be taken against the Jews in Germany. (1) burn their schools and synagogues; (2) transfer Jews to community settlements; (3) confiscate all Jewish literature, which was blasphemous; (4) prohibit rabbis to teach, on pain of death; (5) deny Jews safe conduct, so as to prevent the spread of Judaism; (6) appropriate their wealth and use it to support converts and to prevent the lewd practice of usury; (7) assign Jews to manual labor as a form of penance.


As a biblical theologian, Martin Luther struggled with the relationship between Jewish (Old Testament) and Christian (New Testament) Scriptures—a struggle not yet resolved. But when Luther concluded that God had rejected the people of Israel, he violated his own theological method. Luther was not an anti-Semite in the racist sense. His arguments against Jews were theological, not biological. Luther was but a frustrated biblical scholar who fell victim to what his friend Philipp Melanchthon called the “rabies of theologians”: drawing conclusions based on speculations about the hidden will of God. Luther erred because he presumed to know God’s will.” Was Luther Anti-Semitic? | Christian History | Christianity Today.


The great preachers in Europe and the colonies in America during the Great Awakening (1726-1760), such as Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, David Brainerd, and others took up the eschatological mantel of amillennialism (and postmillennialism or a combination of both). “Jonathan Edwards, a postmillennialist, believed that the millennium would arrive approximately 1260 years after 606 A.D. when the Bishop of Rome was recognized as having universal authority. This date of 1886 AD was reckoned by applying the year-day theory of interpretation to the twelfth chapter of Revelation.


Thus, the millennium was imminent and the revival fires of the Great Awakening could very well be harbingers of the coming age when great progress in technology would free mankind from material concerns to engage more fully in the noble exercises of mind and vital religion. At this time the kingdom of the Antichrist will be utterly overthrown and there will be a national conversion of the Jews. Following the millennium will come a period of great apostasy and tribulation, which will be superseded by the personal Second Coming of Jesus Christ in infinite majesty. The saints will be gathered unto their Head, forever to be in his presence, and the wicked will be summoned before the judgment seat of Christ.” The Eschatology of Jonathan Edwards (


“Dispensational premillennialism (sometimes called futuristic premillennialism) developed later than historical premillennialism. It was popularized by John Darby, a member of the Plymouth Brethren, in the 1830s and by Cyrus Ingerson (C.I.) Scofield, who published Darby’s ideas in the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. This eschatological view was popularized in the early 19th century…not discovered. You could say it was re-discovered as there are several examples of dispensational writings that originated very early in the Church.


A sermon by Pseudo-Ephraem (4th-6th century titled “On the Last Times, the Antichrist, and the End of the World” states, “All the saints and elect of God are gathered together before the tribulation, which is to come, and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins.” Other examples include Codex Amiatinus (ca.690-716), Brother Dolcino (d. 1307), Increase Mather (1693-1723), John Gill (1697-1771), Morgan Edwards (1722-1795), and others.” 5. Survey of Eschatological Views |


The greatest development and spread of premillennialism since the early church came in the late 1800s - early 1900s with the rise of U.S. Fundamentalism and Dispensationalism. Starting in the British Isles and spreading to America, premillennialism (in its dispensational form) has become prominent in the Evangelical faith. Dispensational Premillennialism employs a more consistently literal hermeneutic when interpreting eschatological Scriptures than the other views.


Dr. David L. Cooper describes the golden rule of interpretation: “When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.”–Dr. David L. Cooper (1886-1965), founder of the Biblical Research Society.


Clearly, this golden rule has been ignored by some of the great Soteriology preachers of the past, from the early Church to modern times. Augustine, John Calvin, Martin Luther, and O.T. Allis were all Amillennialists who allegorized Scripture “when the plain sense of Scripture made common sense.” John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge, and B.B. Warfield were all Postmillennialists who also allegorized much of eschatology and prophecy. They substituted the Church for Israel regarding God’s promises to “His chosen people” when there was no Scripture to substantiate this claim. The great preachers of the early Church, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, and modern preachers G.E. Ladd, and Alexander Reese, all believed in Historic Premillennialism where their eschatological interpretations did not give a reasonable exegete of the Scripture involved (in my humble opinion).




The duration of the Messiah’s kingdom on earth was never given in any of the Old Testament prophecies. Not until Revelation 20 does John declare it will last for 1000 years, thus the name “millennial kingdom.” Revelation 20 follows Jesus’ 2nd Coming as described in Revelation 19. So, the order of eschatology (study of end things) is established in the book of Revelation. The pre-tribulation rapture is found in Revelation 4. The seven-year-long tribulation is found in Revelation 5-19. The 2nd Coming of Christ is described in Revelation 19. The millennial reign of Christ is found in Revelation 20 and the eternal order with a new heaven and earth is found in Revelation 21 – 22. The golden rule of interpretation indicates these will all be future physical and literal events and not some kind of allegory.


Jesus spoke of this kingdom as recorded in the book of Acts. After Jesus’ resurrection, and on the day of his ascension, the apostles asked him, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.” Two angels who stood nearby told them, “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:6-7,11). Jesus confirmed His kingdom would come but told them they didn’t need to know when it would come. Why? Well, can you imagine their reaction and despondency if Jesus told them it would be another two thousand years before He returned to restore the kingdom to Israel? They were all expecting it to be within their lifetimes, probably within seven years after Jesus’ death in order to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy of 70 sevens.


Ever since this time, Christians throughout the ages have been wondering when Jesus would return. The worse things got with persecutions, wars, famine, plagues, etc., the higher expectations became, as Christians in that particular age believed they were experiencing the great tribulation. I would imagine this is why the Jews were so willing to accept Simon Bar Kokhba as their Messiah in 132 AD when he led a ruinous revolt against Rome from 132- 135 AD. This was more than six decades after Jerusalem and the second temple were destroyed in 70 AD.


The early Chiliasts of the 1st – 3rd centuries thought this as they believed Jesus would return after 6000 years. Hippolytus employed the creation-week typology widely accepted in the west until Augustine. He set the time of Christ's return to 500 AD. This would be the “sixth day” or 6000 AM (anno mundi) according to the Septuagint chronology. I’m sure expectations for the return of Christ ran high after the Visigoths sacked Rome in 410 AD, especially for the remaining (but dwindling in number) Chiliasts as they believed there were only nine decades left until the 6th day (6000 years) which they speculated (according to the LXX chronology) would occur in 500 AD.


The expectation of the imminent return of Christ always spikes after a major disaster. In the 8th and 9th centuries, it was the invasion of the Muslims. In the 12th and 13th centuries, it was the wars of the Crusaders against the Muslims. In the middle of the 14th century, it was the Black Death plague. In the middle of the 15th century, Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks. The list is exhaustive and continues unto modern times, with two world wars in the 20th century and a major war between Russia and Ukraine now in the 21st century.


Of course, the number one sign of the return of Christ, especially for dispensational premillennialists, is the return of Israel as a sovereign nation (in their ancient homeland) on May 14, 1948. This should be proof to the amillennialists and postmillennialists that the Church hasn’t (and never has) replaced the nation of Israel regarding God’s promises to them. Another indication we are in the last days is given in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (prevalent sin comparable to the days of Noah and Lot). Also, we now have the technology for the prophecies of Revelation 11:9 and 13:13-18 to be fulfilled. However, the major sign that we are living in the end times before the Tribulation and the Second Advent is the convergence of all the signs given in Matthew 24:3-14 and the other synoptic gospels.


As a modern Chiliast (dispensational premillennialist) with a belief in the millennial week theory, I believe that Christ’s return is imminent. Unlike the 1st – 3rd century historic premillennialists whose chronology was based on the Septuagint text, I believe the correct chronology of the history of mankind is given in the Masoretic text. In this reckoning, major biblical events occurred every 2000 years. Abraham was born on the “second day” (2000 AM). Abraham is not only the father of the Israelites but the father of all the faithful. “Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all” (Romans 4:16).


Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and ascended back to heaven, and the Church was born on the “fourth day” after approximately 4000 years (4000 AM) of recorded history. “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5).


According to my reckoning (Chronology of Mankind: 6,000 Years of History Pt 1 :: By Randy Nettles - Rapture Ready), we are now (2023 AD/ 5982 AM) 18 years away from 6000 years of recorded history according to the Bible and secular historical sources. Seven of those years will be taken up by the future Tribulation, so that leaves 11 years shy of six millennia. If there is a gap period between the Rapture and the Tribulation, that could possibly account for a year or two, which would leave us 9 or 10 years shy of 6000 years. For a 6000-year chronology reckoning, a .0015 % margin of error would be 9 years. In other words, we are fast approaching the sixth day (6000 AM) milestone in human history. Will something significant and prophetic happen on the sixth day as it did on the second and fourth days? According to biblical history, I believe the odds are pretty good.


“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:7-12).


Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


Randy Nettles


The Holocaust: A Foreshadow and Fulfillment of Prophecy – Joel -


Foreshadowing in the Bible


The Bible is filled with numerous instances where past events, people, and places offer glimpses into future events. This technique, commonly known as foreshadowing, is a prominent feature throughout the Bible. For instance, the story of Joseph and his dreams foreshadows his rise to power in Egypt, while the Passover meal anticipates the sacrifice of Jesus. These prophetic allusions serve as compelling evidence of God’s existence and His active involvement in shaping human history.


The Holocaust and the Tribulation Period


One example of foreshadowing that appears to be happening in modern times is the Holocaust, which can be seen as a type that foreshadows the future Tribulation period. During World War II, the Nazi regime systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in one of the darkest periods in human history. This event is reminiscent of the future Tribulation period, which the Bible prophesies will be a time of great suffering, persecution, and turmoil.


Parallels between Hitler and the Antichrist


Interestingly, there are many parallels between Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust and the Antichrist and the Tribulation period. The following are 20 chilling parallels:


1. The Antichrist will emerge from a revived Roman Empire, which was located in Europe (Dan. 7:7-8, 24-25; Rev. 13:1-2). Hitler was of European descent and attempted to revive the Roman Empire through the expansionist policies of his Nazi regime.


2. The Antichrist will rise to power from relative obscurity through diplomacy and flattery (Dan. 8:23-25; Rev. 6:2; Rev. 13:11-12). Before becoming the leader of the Nazi party, Hitler was a relatively unknown figure in German politics. He was a failed artist and had been involved in various unsuccessful political movements before joining the Nazi party in 1919. However, through his charisma, strong oratory skills, and the manipulation of the political environment of the time, he was able to rise to power and become the leader of Germany.


3. The Antichrist will rise to power during a time of global instability and crisis (Mat. 24:6-8; Luk. 21:25-26). Hitler rose to power amidst the Great Depression and political upheaval in Germany following World War I.[4] The Treaty of Versailles had imposed heavy reparations and restrictions on Germany, causing widespread economic and political turmoil.


4. The Antichrist will establish a one-world government and religion (Rev. 13:7-8). Hitler’s Nazi regime sought to establish a “New Order” and control all of Europe and eventually the world. Hitler also sought to eliminate all religions except for his own Nazi ideology, which he believed should be the only belief system allowed in Germany.


5. The Antichrist will seek to change times and laws (Dan. 7:25). Hitler and the Nazi party implemented a number of changes to German law and culture, including the suppression of free speech, the persecution of minority groups, and the establishment of their own ideology as the dominant belief system.


6. The Antichrist will be associated with a false peace (Dan. 8:25). Hitler famously promised peace in Europe in the lead-up to World War II, but his actions led to one of the deadliest conflicts in human history.


7. The Antichrist will cause two-thirds of the Jews to perish during the Tribulation (Zech. 13:8-9), as well as persecute and kill believers (Rev. 13:7). Hitler’s genocidal campaign against the Jews resulted in the systematic murder of an estimated two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe, and he also persecuted and killed millions of Christians who opposed his regime.


8. The Antichrist will make a covenant with many for seven years, but he will break the covenant in the middle of that seven-year period (Dan. 9:27). Hitler made the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with the Soviet Union in 1939, but he broke it in 1941 when he invaded the Soviet Union.


9. The Antichrist will have a mark or a number that people must receive to buy or sell (Rev. 13:16-18). Hitler required Jews to wear a yellow star as a means of identification, and he also tattooed numbers on the arms of prisoners in concentration camps.

10. The Antichrist will be associated with the number 666 (Rev. 13:18). Hitler’s full name, Adolf Hitler, has the numerical value of 666 in English gematria when each letter is assigned a number from 1 to 26 (A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on) and added together.


11. The Antichrist will perform signs and wonders to deceive people (2 Thes. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14). Hitler was known for his use of propaganda and staged events, such as the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, to create a positive image of Nazi Germany and gain support for his regime.


12. The Antichrist will also have a false prophet who will perform miracles to deceive people and promote his reign (Rev. 13:11-14). Hitler had Joseph Goebbels, his propaganda minister, who was known for his skillful manipulation of the masses through speeches, media, and other forms of propaganda.[7] Goebbels created the führer myth and orchestrated a pseudo-religious worship of Hitler as the savior of Germany.


13. The Antichrist will be a charismatic and persuasive speaker with a fierce countenance (Dan. 8:23; Rev. 13:5-6). Hitler was known for his powerful speeches and charismatic leadership style, which allowed him to sway crowds and win over supporters with his fierce countenance, including his signature angry scowl and piercing gaze.


14. The Antichrist will be revered as the messiah or savior of the world by many people and will exalt himself above every god (2 Thes. 2:3-4; Dan. 11:36; Rev. 13:3-6, 14). Hitler saw himself as a kind of messianic figure who could restore Germany to its former glory, and he inspired a cult-like devotion among his followers who viewed him as such. He often spoke of his own greatness and the superiority of the Aryan race.


15. The Antichrist will speak blasphemies against God (Rev. 13:6). Hitler spoke blasphemously about God and claimed that he was doing God’s work, even as he committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.


16. The Antichrist will be characterized by satanic influence (2 Thes. 2:9; Rev. 13:2). Hitler and the Nazis used occult symbols and practices, such as the swastika and runic symbols, to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, contributing to their ability to maintain power. Hitler had a fascination with the occult and reportedly dabbled in mysticism and esotericism.


17. The Antichrist will be a skilled military leader (Rev. 6:2, 19:11-16). Hitler was known for his military ambitions and strategic prowess, leading Germany into war and spearheading the Nazi regime’s genocidal campaigns.


18. The Antichrist will show no regard for the desires of women (Dan. 11:37). Hitler was known for his mistreatment of women, including his former lover and later wife, Eva Braun.


19. The Antichrist and False Prophet’s reign will culminate in a solitary and inglorious end against the forces of God (Rev. 19:19-20; Dan. 7:11). Hitler’s reign ended with his defeat by the Allied powers in World War II, which included many Christian nations. He died by suicide in a bunker without any allies to support him. The next day Goebbels did the same, loyal to his leader until the end.


20. The Tribulation period will last for a duration of seven years, with the latter half or “Great Tribulation” marked by increasing chaos and suffering (Dan. 9:27; Mat. 24:21-22; Rev. 7:14). The Holocaust is often associated with a duration of seven years, with some scholars identifying 1938 as the beginning of the Holocaust because that was the year when the Nazi regime implemented its policy of persecution against Jews on a large scale. The period from 1941 to 1945 is also significant due to the escalating brutality and scale of the genocide.


Ezekiel’s Vision of Dry Bones


The Holocaust was a tragic event, but it was also a necessary step in the fulfillment of God’s plan. In the book of Ezekiel, a vision of dry bones coming back to life symbolizes the restoration of the Jewish people to their homeland:


“Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’ Therefore, prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.” (Ezekiel 37:11-12)


According to many dispensational teachers, the vision represents the Jews’ hopeless condition during the Diaspora, with Hitler’s Holocaust exacerbating their plight. The Holocaust accelerated the establishment of a Jewish state by highlighting the need for a Jewish homeland, increasing international support, and spurring Jewish immigration to Palestine. The reestablishment of Israel on May 14, 1948, shortly after the Holocaust, confirms the accuracy of the prophecy.


The vision also includes the Jewish people emerging as an “exceedingly great army” (Ezek. 37:10), which has become a reality with the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) becoming the superior military in the Middle East due to ongoing conflict with Arab nations.




The Holocaust stands as a compelling evidence for the existence of God. The accuracy of God’s prophetic vision in Ezekiel’s prophecy, and the chilling parallels between the Holocaust and the predicted Tribulation period, attest to the divine inspiration of the Bible and the reality of God’s plan for the future.


The Holocaust is also a solemn reminder of the devastating events that will take place during the future Tribulation period as warned in the Bible. If you haven’t yet repented of your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, it’s crucial to do so now in order to escape the coming judgment (Luk. 21:36).

The Absence of The Rapture—And Related Topics—From Our Churches Today, Is A Great Tragedy! – By Jan Markell -


I recently read a passionate article by Jonathan Brentner on the divorce of Rapture theology from the gospel and from pulpits. I so resonated with the main points he made. The absence of this topic—and related topics—from our churches today, is a great tragedy!


When Rapture discussion ended some thirty years ago in the church and elsewhere, so did discussion of the Millennium, Israel’s key end-time role, the trend toward the Tribulation, the building of the third temple in Jerusalem, the prominence of end-time deception, the rush to a cashless society and Central Bank Digital Currency, and so much more!


It became almost impossible to understand the times from a biblical and prophetic perspective! And right at a time when people began asking earnest questions as they observe the turmoil of our times.


I am taking a few talking points from the Brentner article below:


Somewhere in the past, a tragic divorce occurred; theologians decided we must separate the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the gospel. The results of this untimely divorce have led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such awareness.


Confused believers hear that they will surely die rather than meet Jesus in the air, which directly contradicts the New Testament in passages such as 1 Corinthians 15:51 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The Apostle Paul believed there would be many saints alive at the time of the Rapture, but many preachers today disagree with him on this matter.


The divorce of the Rapture from the gospel has resulted in a near blackout of teaching about our “blessed hope” in churches today. This negatively impacts new believers as well as seasoned saints as it leaves them ill-prepared to live in a fear-ridden society because such teaching provides no prophetic context into which they can place the violence and lawlessness of our day or the push for a New World Order.


The new converts in Thessalonica were so fixated on their soon departure from the earth that when some in their midst died, they grieved unnecessarily thinking they would miss out on the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:13-19). In response, Paul emphasized the primary place of the “dead in Christ” during the rapture telling his converts that Jesus would resurrect them first at His appearing (4:16).


Another sorrowful result of this divorce is this: It takes the eyes of believers away from their ultimate hope at a time when they need such a focus. Instead, their eyes remain focused on earthly aspirations.


Very few pastors talk about what happens at the moment Jesus returns for His church (1 Cor. 15:51-55; Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Thess. 4:16-17). Even those that believe these things never ever mention the believers’ hope of immortal bodies for fear that talking about the Rapture might hurt attendance.


As I wrote in a previous article, What Happened to My Church? someone made a conscious decision some 30-40 years ago that we should have a “new way of doing church”, although many members and attendees agreed there was nothing wrong with old ways of doing church. Terms began being used like “purpose-driven,” “seeker-sensitive,” “church-growth movement,” “postmodernism”, “Emergent”, and more.


Joel Osteen and his fellow travelers began telling us we could have our best life now as Christians. Who would want to long for His appearing with that in mind?


People started to hear about love, unity and tolerance. We must be known for what we agree on, not what we disagree on. Everything and everyone must be accepted. Aberrations must be accepted. People loved having their ears tickled. They would be encouraged to “feel good” and have their self-esteem built up. Sound doctrine was being set aside.


The saving of souls was being set aside for the entertainment factor and social justice causes. It seemed that many in the church no longer cared that so many were on their way to hell! What an offensive, intolerant thought. But clearly sound doctrine will separate and divide so we must tread lightly in that area. Relevant issues have vanished from most pulpits.


Here in 2023, all of this would be called “wokism”! And a marvelous cure for wokism would be a focus on the fact that the King is coming—perhaps today. Pulpits that are focusing on this glorious good news, are growing exponentially, and don’t have to worry about church growth!


A Rapture Viewpoint: The Lord Will Not Call His Church from Heaven - By Ron Ferguson -


The Lord Will Not Call His Church from Heaven


Not really. He will not call from heaven for the saints to go home. He opens the door in heaven according to Revelation 4:1, and there is a cry, “Come up here!” It is one of the joys of scripture when we compare verses.


Not to do so gives only part of the picture, or even worse, the wrong picture.


Look at it this way. You have been invited to a very special event by the President; well, “a President, any President” (so you don’t go thinking of Joe Biden). You are told a vehicle will pick you up at 7 P.M. You wait expectantly, and the vehicle arrives but with one twist. The driver is actually the President, who is collecting you himself.


That is how the Rapture will be. We look at the opening words of 1Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord Himself will descend…” That is, “for the Lord HIMSELF will descend.”


There will be nothing impersonal about the Rapture, for it is the Lord HIMSELF who is coming. For what purpose is He coming?


Is it to call His Church to glory? Yes, mostly it is, but let us put it better. It is to TAKE home His Church to glory. He, HIMSELF, will TAKE to HIMSELF!


I think as we examine the Rapture passages, we often focus on the events and how they will happen, more focusing on the mechanics of the event. It is possible to miss the personal element.


The Rapture will be such a momentous happening – maybe the greatest in the history of the world – and the awe and power of it do occupy our minds.


Do you like being swept along in the crowd? Well, it is very impersonal, isn’t it? And we can get lost as well. Sometimes we may think the Rapture is like that, with billions of souls all being caught up together in one mass migration from earth to heaven.


But you know what? I really do not think the Rapture will be like that at all. When the Lord saved you, there was a transaction just between God and you when your life was changed forever and you became a child of God on this earth, a VERY personal transaction. It was so personal, so one-to-one.


In the Rapture, I do believe there will be an interaction, one-to-one, between the Lord and you. Yes, you are caught up with the multitude, but you are caught up “individually” by the Lord. That is the marvelous thing about God. His divine attributes allow Him to deal with the multitude but with the individual at the same time.


When Peter was sinking in the sea, the Lord miraculously lifted him out of the sea, and he was taken by the Lord to the boat. The sea in scripture, especially in prophecy, means the nations of the world (more the Gentile nations). Peter was, IN TYPE, taken out of the world and placed with the Lord’s people in the boat.


The Rapture will be like that. We all will be taken out of the world by the Lord HIMSELF, and then we’ll be found with God’s people in the presence of the Lord. What I am saying is that while the Lord Jesus comes for the universal Church, He is coming for each of us individually, and that will be our experience. He comes for me. He comes for you.


Heaven will not be an impersonal place. We will never be alone. Shy people tend to hold back and become obscured in the crowd. It will not be like that. The Lord Jesus Christ will be the center and focus of heaven, and I think it will be the Lord and me. That is not selfish. It will be the Lord and you. He will relate to ALL His children.


SO… when the Rapture happens, the Lord Himself comes for YOU. He does not leave it to another. He comes Himself. Are you thrilled about that prospect? We ought to be. I think there is a great sadness some Christians have, and they don’t know they have it! They don’t accept the Rapture, or they hold to the Apostles’ Creed that says Jesus will come back to judge the living and the dead, with no reference to the Rapture whatsoever. The Rapture is the blessed hope. It gives us hope in a decaying world. Churches for centuries have failed the people by dismissing the Rapture. They have cut a whole section out of people’s lives.


I have people write to me sometimes to tell me that they can’t get their pastors to speak on the Rapture or anything dealing with prophecy. That is so sad and so neglecting of the word.


It is bad stewardship. Very bad stewardship!


Here is a poem I wrote this morning at 5 A.M. when I was doing this message (could not sleep).




By Jesus Christ, my soul is owned.

Lift up your eyes to God enthroned.

I come to Him as his dear child,

Now spotless white, but once defiled.


To his presence, the door is mine;

Communion sweet that’s so divine.

To You my eyes are lifted up,

Away from earth that is corrupt.


We wait for Him to shout the call;

To call the dead to stand up tall;

To change us all before His face;

The ones who have been saved by grace.


He comes for me, to take me where

All is lovely and all is fair.

The Lord Himself will come for me.

Then His glorious face I’ll see.


O, come, Lord Jesus, come to take

Your precious Bride for your Name’s sake.

The blesse’d hope The Rapture is,

The blood-bought reward that is His.


R E Ferguson 12 February 2023 8-8-8-8


Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”


2 Timothy 4:8 (AV) “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.”

Army Chief Warns Conflict with China Will Result In Strikes On US Mainland – PNW Staff -


Speaking at a recent event at the American Enterprise Institute, Christine Wormuth, Secretary of the Army, outlined the potential risks facing the U.S. homeland in the event of conflict with China. She explained that the Chinese military could launch kinetic and non-kinetic attacks, including cyberattacks on power grids and pipelines, in an attempt to erode support for any conflict.


Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, Commander of U.S. Army Pacific, urged that American forces must be prepared and should accelerate their preparations, emphasizing that 2023 is an important year to create "enduring advantage." He stated that the U.S. military is ready to respond to any threat that may arise and urged his forces to position themselves strategically to be ready to respond should the situation escalate beyond control.


Tensions have been rapidly escalating between China and the United States as experts warn that the two superpowers may be on a collision course towards war. In November 2021, Chinese dictator Xi Jinping ordered his troops to prepare for war and declared unifying Taiwan with mainland China "must be achieved". Most experts predict that Beijing is "all but guaranteed" to attack Taiwan - it is just a matter of when.


Such a conflict would cut off U.S. access to world-leading semiconductors and other critical components manufactured in Taiwan. Not to mention the numerous pharmaceutical and consumer products we already rely upon China directly for. U.S. supplies of many products would soon run low, shutting down many businesses who rely on just in time inventory. Rationing, unemployment and inflation are all sure to follow.


Many US Department of Defense officials believe China is watching the war between Russia and Ukraine with great interest to learn how to avoid a similar situation and will aim to "hit Taiwan hard from the start" and "sever them from the outside world." Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan would be cut off from all aid and for that reason some believe the only way Taiwan could survive such an assault is to prepare for that invasion now with a massive arms build up.


China has also taken note of how the provision of military hardware to Kyiv has depleted American stocks of some key military systems. Rebuilding them could take years. Yet the war in Ukraine is relatively small-scale compared with the likely demands of a major war in the Indo-Pacific. China controls most of the shipping lanes and getting US supplies to the area would be extremely difficult.


The situation has prompted NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to warn that "what is happening in Europe today could happen in East Asia tomorrow." China regards the self-governing island as part of its territory and has vowed to reunite it with the mainland - by force if necessary. This has led to fears that a potential invasion would force the US to either abandon the island or face full-scale war with China.


In preparation for such a conflict, the United States has plans to deploy between 100 to 200 troops to Taiwan as well as expanding it's presence in the Philippines. The Philippines have announced a new agreement that will allow America to expand its military presence in the Southeast Asian nation, providing a new front to bolster deterrence against China. The agreement will also provide for conducting joint maritime patrols with the Philippines. Cooperation from the Philippines would be crucial in the event of a conflict with China, given its proximity to Taiwan and surrounding waters.


Although the US maintains a powerful advantage in aircraft carriers, with 11 to China's three, Republican Mike McCaul said the odds of conflict with China over Taiwan are "very high." Gen. Mike Minihan, head of the US Air Mobility Command, wrote in a memo that "My gut tells me we will fight in 2025."


To prepare for the fight, Minihan calls for the creation of a "fortified, ready, integrated, and agile Joint Force Maneuver Team ready to fight and win inside the first island chain." The memo also sheds light on a capability the US is considering for possible conflict with China: drone swarms. 


Up until recently it was primarily Russia that was attacking Ukraine with Iranian made drones but now Ukraine is launching drone attacks of it's own. Clearly the type of battles being fought is changing rapidly and just as the US is expanding it's drone capabilities, there have been growing concerns that China has developed drone swarms that could evade aircraft carrier defenses and overwhelm it with drone strikes.


Last week, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro raised the alarm that China's fleet was now larger than the US's, with around 340 ships compared to the US's less than 300 ships. Del Toro also claimed that China plans to field a fleet of 440 ships by 2030, far surpassing the Pentagon's goal to have 350 manned ships by 2045.


Although the US Navy may have a powerful advantage in aircraft carriers, with 11 to China's three, experts warn that in a full-scale naval war, the bigger overall fleet usually has a decisive advantage. Republican Mike McCaul said the odds of conflict with China over Taiwan are "very high." He believes that if China fails to take control of Taiwan bloodlessly, then "they are going to look at a military invasion, in my judgment." 

Daily Jot: WHO’s your daddy? - Bill Wilson –


If there ever was an example of what not to do to save lives, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) dictums on COVID prevention and treatment is the poster child. So-called “vaccines” that didn’t work, mandated hospital protocols that killed more people than they saved, quarantining healthy people for the first time in history all point to a failed effort that left millions of deaths in its wake and ruined many more lives. Now the Biden Administration wants this threat to humanity locked down in an unconstitutional agreement to give WHO control over our lives forever. If ever there were a time to stand up and resist, it is now. No unelected foreign entity should ever have sovereignty over the US. This is treason.


The agreement in question is the WHO CA+ that gives WHO authority to direct the world response to pandemics and other health-related matters. The preamble to the agreement states: “In recognition of the catastrophic failure of the international community in showing solidarity and equity in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the World Health Assembly convened a second special session in December 2021, where it established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) open to all Member States and Associate Members (and regional economic integration organizations as appropriate) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response…”


First, it admits the failure of the international community to address COVID, but it was the WHO directives that the world followed. This is double-speak. Some countries recognized the deadly folly of WHO and didn’t go along with it. So now WHO and the Biden Administration want to force countries to comply with an international agreement. Interesting, the double-speak continues with the first affirmation of goals in the document, which says, “Reaffirming the principle of sovereignty of States Parties in addressing public health matters, notably pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery.” There is no sovereignty when a nation gives up its rights to an international body. WHO are they fooling? This is a global system that is very similar to the prophecies in Revelation about the Beast empire.


Revelation 13:7 says, “And it was given unto him (the Beast) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Other than military force, there is no greater power than a hold on peoples’ healthcare. This grip can extend to travel, food, housing, civil rights and more if people do not comply with the mandates. We saw it first-hand with COVID where people were denied travel, access to restaurants, even were not allowed to work if they were not vaccinated with an unproven, ineffective, and unsafe “vaccine” that is now causing thousands of deaths and health problems. Biden must be stopped in this unconstitutional abdication of sovereignty. WHO’s your daddy? God or man?



Daily Devotion: You Make a Difference - by Greg Laurie –


All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. —1 Corinthians 12:27 - Listen


Every person in the church has an effect on it, for better or for worse.


If you are strong spiritually, then you build up the church a little more. If you are weak spiritually, you weaken it a little more. If you allow God to use you to touch lives, you help the church a little more. And if you’re compromising spiritually, you weaken it a little more. Every person has an effect.


Writing to the church in Corinth, the apostle Paul said, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad” (1 Corinthians 12:26 NLT).


But Paul also reproved this church because they were boasting about bringing in someone who claimed to be a believer but was living immorally. They were proud of how tolerant they were.


Paul told them, “You are so proud of yourselves, but you should be mourning in sorrow and shame. And you should remove this man from your fellowship” (1 Corinthians 5:2 NLT).


You matter in the church. Every person lifting their voice in worship matters. Every gift in the offering matters. And every act we do outside the church matters. If you’re a Christian, then you are an important part of the body of Christ.


We need to get rid of this me-first, what’s-in-it-for-me mindset and start thinking biblically. We need to start asking what we can do to help others and serve others. We need to ask how we can learn to resolve conflicts and maintain the unity that is in the church.


Instead of approaching church like a consumer looking to simply get in and get out every weekend, come in and use the gifts that God has given you.


It can change your life, and it can certainly change the way you see the church.