Wednesday, October 26, 2022

PROPHECY UPDATE .......10/26/2022


Artificial Intelligence: Taking The World Towards The Perfection Of Global Tyranny – By Dean Dwyer -


(Queensland, Australia) — Humans are insatiably curious. We have been asking questions since the dawn of history – especially questions pertaining to our origin and destiny. Most of the public discussions which revolve around the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) generally focus on positive outcomes. This is driven by an agenda which attempts to convince us that advancements in technology will help humanity, not harm it. Some of the so-called advantages relate to transhumanist health modifications, computer implants in our bodies and brains and even nanobots which will one day be so advanced that they will change our very cells. But people who advocate for AI tend to overlook the fact that they are insisting people become less human and more machine.


George Orwell introduced ideas of blanket surveillance in a totalitarian state, of thought control and newspeak: ideas that now increasingly come up in connection with developments in AI, particularly the attempt to build computer technology that can do the sorts of things that a human mind can do. In short, some are seeking the production of an imitation mind. Billions of dollars have been invested in the development of AI systems, and there is a great deal of interest in where it’s going to lead. Better quality of life through digital assistance, medical innovation and human enhancement on the one hand, and fear of job losses and Orwellian surveillance on the other hand.


One increasing application of AI that initially seems positive is in assisting large corporations with hiring new employees. For instance, a technology venture called HireVue has developed a platform that simplifies the job interviewing process. The most common use of that technology is an interview in which a set of questions is created. Candidates respond on video, after which artificial intelligence algorithms are used to evaluate his/her performance. The system looks at 25,000 different features and the complex relationships between them, and it might see things that a human observer cannot. However, after 86 unsuccessful job applications in two years – including several HireVue screenings – one applicant stated that she became thoroughly disillusioned with automated systems. Without a person across a table there was no real conversation or exchange, and she found it difficult to know exactly what the robot was looking for – this for someone with a master’s degree from the London School of Economics. Despite her qualifications, she found herself questioning every movement as she sat at home alone performing for a computer. It made her feel that she was not worthwhile, as the company wouldn’t even assign a person for a few minutes. In other words, she was made to feel less human.


One of the major Orwellian aspects of AI is that certain forms of it present a very serious threat to individual and corporate privacy. AI tracker programs are geared to harvesting as much data as possible that you generate about yourself – your lifestyle, habits, where you go, what you buy, people with whom you communicate, books you read, tasks you do, political and social activities, your personal opinions – a list that is being added to all the time. Mark Zuckerberg once boasted that Facebook would know every book, film and song a person had ever consumed and that its predictive models would tell you which bar to go to when you arrive in a strange city. Some of this may be found helpful, but there is more than one side to it. Data that is harvested from us can be used not only to inform us but to control us. We already live in a world where around 2.5 billion of people (voluntarily, be it noted) wear a sophisticated personal tracker in the shape of a smartphone, and a similar number are networked on Facebook. The two big ethical questions are obvious: who controls such projects and who owns the data they generate?


Just as one downside of information harvesting is surveillance capitalism, another might reasonably be called surveillance communism. In March 2018 the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford published a report on the development of AI in China where, it is said, $197 billion was spent on security in 2017 and where they expected to install more than 400 million CCTV cameras by 2020. Some of what George Orwell envisaged for 1984 is already with us! What it will be like in a few years’ time is anybody’s guess, although the underlying trend is perfectly clear – China is already using AI in order to achieve social control. They are gradually rolling out a social credit system in order to check on the reliability and trustworthiness of their citizens.


Much of this control is exercised by the use of highly advanced AI facial recognition techniques working on a vast database of images channeled into a central computing centre which operates millions of CCTV cameras – many used for the purposes of monitoring Chinese citizens as part of their social credit score. The Chinese government has stated that the social credit system will supposedly improve the city’s business environment by preventing people with low ‘integrity’ from accessing the city’s public services and travel network. People with a low credit score could also find it difficult to start a business or find work.


Xinjiang is a region of western China that is home to 10 million Uighur people, who are predominantly Muslim, and an increasing number of Han Chinese, who have been encouraged to settle there. The Chinese can move around without difficulty but the Uighur population is now subject to the most intense surveillance that the world has ever seen – to the extent that the capital city of Urumqi has been described as a digital fortress. There are cameras every few metres down every street and alleyway and small police stations every few hundred metres, where passing Uighurs must hand in their smartphones to have them electronically read and all information contained therein transferred to the central monitoring system to be processed by AI. A recent documentary showed pictures of QR codes pasted on the doors of houses, to be read by police scanners so that they would know who was supposed to be in the house and could then check.


It is not hard to see that such actions are taking the world towards the perfection of global tyranny: the setting up of an authoritarian world system under godless leaders whose power is secured by the most comprehensive and powerful state surveillance apparatus in history.

From The East Coast To The West Coast, The U.S. Continues To Be Hit By An Endless Series Of Disasters - by Michael Snyder -


Over the past several years, it has just been one thing after another. Just when we think that things are starting to settle down a little bit, another disaster suddenly strikes. In all my years, I have never seen anything like this. Month after month, bad things just keep happening from coast to coast, and this endless series of disasters has caused a tremendous amount of long-term damage.


Let me give you a few examples. Thanks to citrus greening disease, Florida was already on pace for the worst orange crop since World War II, but then Hurricane Ian made things much worse.


As a result, it is now being projected that the upcoming orange crop in Florida will be a whopping 32 percent smaller than the previous one…


Orange juice prices are likely headed higher. Hurricane Ian damaged what was already forecast to be the lowest Florida orange crop in decades. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said orange production in Florida is down by 32% from last season, marking the scantiest predicted harvest in nearly 80 years.


In an October citrus report, the agency said the all-orange forecast for the Sunshine State was 28 million boxes, compared to 41 million boxes the year before. That number includes 11 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges and 17 million boxes of Valencia oranges.


Additionally, the forecast of all grapefruit production is two million boxes, 40% less than last season’s utilization of 3.33 million boxes.


If you like orange juice, get ready to pay a whole lot more for it at the grocery store.


Supplies of orange juice have gotten much tighter, and prices are surging to unprecedented levels…


We recently outlined “Orange Juice Prices Could “Increase Substantially” As Hurricane Pummels Florida’s Top Citrus Grow Region.” And that’s precisely what’s happening today.


First, let’s begin with US stockpiles of cold-stored orange juice plunged by 43% in September from a year earlier — the lowest level since 1977, according to the latest US Department of Agriculture data.


A combination of crop diseases across Florida’s citrus groves and Hurricane Ian that destroyed crops are creating a supply crunch that has catapulted orange juice futures contracts to as high as $2.18 per pound, the highest level ever.


Meanwhile, extreme drought conditions have caused the Mississippi River to drop to the lowest levels ever recorded in certain areas…


In Chester, Illinois, the river gauge of the Mississippi dropped to around zero last week, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. Drone video of the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee also reveals how far the 270-mile long river has contracted in recent months. In Memphis, the river dropped to minus-10.75 feet, a the lowest record ever recorded there, according to data from the National Weather Service.


In downtown Baton Rouge, Louisiana, resident Patrick Ford found the shipwrecked remains of the Brookhill, a trading vessel dating back to the early 20th Century. The low-water levels exposed the remains earlier this month. “I immediately texted friends and was like, ‘holy moly, I think I found a ship, a sunken ship!’” Ford told WBRZ, the city’s ABC News affiliate.


This is a major crisis, because normally more than 400 million tons of goods move along the Mississippi River each year.


But if the barges can’t travel, the goods can’t get to where they need to go.


And over the past few weeks, literally thousands of barges have been forced to sit idle because there simply is not enough water…


In recent weeks, hundreds of barges have become stalled in the receding Mississippi, caught in the lower depths. In early October, some 2,000 barges reportedly clogged the channels in long pileups along the river south of Memphis.


The barges need around a nine-foot depth to navigate. The problem is that the water levels have fallen so low in many places even the tugboats are getting stuck.


A tremendous amount of rain is needed in order to fix this problem, but unfortunately there won’t be too much rain for the foreseeable future.


Out on the west coast, the San Francisco Bay Area was shaken by a magnitude 5.1 earthquake on Tuesday…


A magnitude 5.1 earthquake rattled the San Francisco Bay Area on Tuesday, shaking buildings and marking the strongest quake the region has seen in eight years.


There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.


The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck at 11:42 a.m. local time about 12 miles east of San Jose at a depth of about 4 miles. The area is about 40 miles southeast of downtown San Francisco.


This quake really shook a lot of people up, but the good news is that it appears that no serious damage was done.


However, this should definitely be a wake up call for everyone that lives in the region.


Scientists assure us that “the Big One” is way overdue, and I have been warning of the potential for cataclysmic seismic events on the west coast for a very long time.


The entire west coast of the United States sits along “the Ring of Fire”, and up to this point those that live there have been very fortunate.


But the clock is ticking and at some point their luck will run out.


Speaking of seismic activity, a very large magnitude 6.4 earthquake just rattled the Philppines…


A strong earthquake rocked the northern Philppines late Tuesday, but officials said no serious damage was expected and no tsunami warning was issued.


The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.4 quake was centered 16.2 kilometers (10 miles) below the surface about 11 kilometers (7 miles) from Dolores on Luzon island.


I would encourage everyone to pay attention to the unusual seismic activity that we are witnessing all over the planet, because I believe that it will be a major story in the months ahead.


In addition, I expect droughts and flooding to intensify even more all over the planet as global weather patterns continue to go completely nuts.


For many decades, we could count on our world to be a relatively stable place.


Unfortunately, that is now starting to change in a major way, and that has very serious implications for all of us.

Holding Back Iniquity – Terry James -


Incessant assaults against all that used to be considered saneness and biblical holiness brings into focus a particular end-times Scripture.


“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:12–13)


The word “iniquity” is defined as “lawlessness” in scriptural terms. Jesus Christ was saying in His Olivet Discourse that one of the primary markers of the very end of the age would be an increase in lawlessness.


Because of this, He said, the love of many inhabitants of earth would grow cold. But those who will endure to the end will be saved.


Now we have some serious dissecting to do to “rightfully divide” this truth, as God’s Word directs us to do.


We don’t have to go too much in-depth to understand the kind of lawlessness the Lord was warning about. We see it abounding within activity and actions no matter which direction we look.


However, the term “lawlessness” can, I believe, be broken down into both the physical realm and the spiritual. And the two often overlap. I will try to make clear my meaning.


A number of my great friends in prophecy ministry and I wrote a book in recent years that had at its heart the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 24:12–13. The book, perhaps you will remember, had the title LAWLESS: The End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist.


I can do no better than to recount what I wrote about the book effort those few years ago:


Today, chaos and turmoil inflame daily life within the fever of uncertainty. Geopolitical, cultural, and societal upheaval rip at the heart of America and the world.


Much of humanity is in a state of uncontrollable anger, while an infinitesimally small enemy—visible only under powerful microscopes—holds populations in its fear-paralyzing, pandemic grip.


LAWLESS: The End-Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist is an intensely focused volume that answers questions about what’s really going on in these volatile, inexplicably strange times.


What does it all mean? Why such a divide? Why such anger and hatred? People want to know answers, and the answer is spiritual. It’s all there in Bible prophecy. The tumult altogether constitutes a major indicator of how near we are to the end of this age—the Age of Grace.


I said above that the term “lawlessness” can be broken down into both the physical realm and the spiritual. And the two often overlap. Again, as promised, I will try to make clear my meaning.


The iniquity–the lawlessness—abounding in every direction is physical. By that, I mean our very way of life is more and more affected by the insidious and more overt assaults.


For example, within cities governed by leftist officials, Christian groups have, while peacefully and legally protesting in authorized areas outside abortion clinics, been physically attacked by thugs–some paid by anti-God forces bent on changing America to fit their Marxist blueprint. Law enforcement and judicial offices have allowed these attacks in a growing number of cases –without action being taken against the attackers.


Additionally, the peaceful Right to Life protesters have themselves been prosecuted by the so-called justice system. This sort of lawlessness is taking place in an increasing number of instances, while violent protests by the likes of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, as well as other lawless groups, perpetrate anarchic destruction without suffering consequences of their iniquitous actions.


On the spiritual side of the lawless equation, school boards in these leftist-run districts, for example, institute rules that go against biblical commands. These declare Christian values to have no place within today’s culture and society. They stack the school board panels with those who champion the LGTBQ+, etc., agenda. They even have managed to get the FBI involved in charging parents who oppose such anti-God activity with being domestic terrorists worthy of fines and even incarceration.


And this is where the physical and spiritual iniquity–the lawlessness—overlap. We see this in story after story of how not only older children, but very young ones as well, are affected and infected by the spirit of lawlessness –the Antichrist spirit, as John the apostle said was prevalent even in his time.


Iniquity is indeed abounding, and wickedness is bleeding from the governing authority into the religious entities that purport to represent Christianity. The following gives a clue as to what all this has wrought.


Pastor Andy OIiver…in a children’s sermon Oct. 2, 2022, with drag queen “Ms. Penny Cost” at Allendale United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg, Florida…


“We have a special guest,” Oliver told the children.


“Are you always dressed up like this?” the pastor asked.


“I wish!” replied the drag queen, Isaac Simmons, who is undergoing the process to become ordained in the United Methodist Church. (Art Moore, “Renewal of our minds: Church features drag queen in kids’ sermon; Pastor applies Romans 12:2 to approval of transvestism,” WND, October 12, 2022)


One can only imagine the lawlessness that will abound in the nation and world beginning the second after believers leave the planet when Christ calls (1 Corinthians 15: 51–55; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; Revelation 4:1–2).


The Holy Spirit’s restraining influence is the glue holding together any civility and order the Lord is seeing fit to continue in this quickly darkening moment in human history. Can there be any doubt that love is disappearing as these wicked times continue to allow hatred for God and fellow man to intensify?


About the prophetic statement within Matthew 24:12–13, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”: I believe it might have dual meaning. First, that those alive at the end of the Age of Grace (Church Age) who are believers will be saved (physically) from entering the Tribulation to come. Second, those who accept Christ during the Tribulation and live to the end of that seven years of horror will be brought safely (physically) into the Millennium at Christ’s return.


You don’t want to be on this judgment-bound sphere when the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) –and all Christians He indwells—departs the earth in that spectacular event called the Rapture.


Here is how to avoid being left behind.


“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9–10)

Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: A peek into America’s future - Bill Wilson –


A peek into America’s future: Once the leader of the free world, morally, spiritually, and economically, America has less than a month’s supply of diesel fuel and only three month’s supply of gasoline as its leadership is transitioning the country from petroleum products to solar, wind and electric power. This has weakened the American military because there was no plan to transition the armed forces from gas and diesel power. China, Russia, Iran, and all Islamic nations are now in position to attack America and divide the spoils. Battery powered cars are no longer viable because these countries control battery ingredients and there are rolling blackouts because power plants have no fuel to produce electricity.


America’s cities are unsafe because of violent crime and petty theft due to leadership defunding the police. Crime has risen exponentially. City Councils have hired social workers to discuss the feelings of criminals, but have only found that the criminals tell the social workers what they want to hear, and go back to their life of crime. Gun violence has skyrocketed because gun restrictions in these areas are so harsh that only criminals have guns. Islamists and communists have set up protective zones in these cities and are ruling residents by their own laws. They have barricaded streets and have checkpoints. Businesses are robbed on a daily basis by massive gangs. There is no one to stop them.


Public schools have been invaded by sexual predators who are using school board-approved after school programs on bullying and diversity and inclusion. They appropriate these programs to groom children beginning in kindergarten, to question their gender and to celebrate same sex, transgender sex, animal sex and bizarre behaviors. Litter boxes are being placed in school restrooms to accommodate children who believe they are cats or other animals. Boys dressed as girls are allowed in the girl’s restrooms. Girls are getting sexually molested and raped. If parents complain, school board officials have them arrested by private “school police forces” for disrupting meetings. No one is allowed to speak openly.


America’s southern borders have been overrun because the leaders have invited what normally would be considered illegals to join America without any documentation. Drug cartels and terrorists have acquired a strip of land along the border that is now called “no-man’s land” due to the drug running and murders. Illegals are settling in the bigger cities. The bigger cities are allowing them to vote even though they are not citizens. The country is imploding with division. Ecclesiastes 10:8 proclaims: “He that digs a pit shall fall into it.” And this peek into America’s future could be devastating if the fools are allowed to continue digging their pit. Oh, but wait a minute. This is not the future. It is today. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

Daily Devotion: Evidence of His Love - by Greg Laurie –


For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. - 

Hebrews 12:6 - Listen


More than once, the Bible compares us to sheep. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27 NLT). And in Isaiah 53:6, we read, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all” (NLT).


In Psalm 23, David mentions two primary tools that shepherds use to keep their flocks close to them and out of danger: a rod and a staff.


A staff was a long, crooked pole that had a number of uses. For example, a shepherd would use it to return a newborn lamb to its mother. Or he would extend it so that the sheep would know he was nearby. It gave sheep a sense of comfort and security.


Of course, the shepherd also used his staff to bring back wayward sheep. But when sheep persisted in their wayward ways, the shepherd pulled out his rod. The rod was like a club, and the shepherd reluctantly used it for the sheep’s own good.


A sheep that continued to stray not only risked being killed but could also lead other sheep in the same direction. Thus, sometimes the shepherd would break the sheep’s leg because it’s better to have a broken leg than to become a leg of lamb.


God, too, uses His rod and staff in our lives. If we start to go astray and do something we shouldn’t do, the Lord uses His staff. But if we persist, He may use His rod to get our attention.


If that has happened in your life recently, it is a great reminder that God loves you. If He has brought some correction, even discipline, into your life, it’s because He loves you. He’s trying to save you from something far worse.


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