Tuesday, October 8, 2019



The Beast/MBS’ connection with the Covenant of Peace and Safety (Deal of the Century):

Very Rare Black Moon July 31, 2019. Lunar events portend disastrous events for Israel

Once again, truly considering Israel’s role as God’s prophetic timepiece, we must look at Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) role concerning the ‘covenant of peace and safety’ with Israel. I have strived to be diligent in confirming the seven mountains sitting in the middle of NEOM Babylon, and confirming who the 8 kings are from the bottomless pit of the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia. So, what is MBS’ role as a ‘confirmer’?
Daniel 9:26-27
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Prince he shall confirm.’ The two verses have to be taken into context together with one another. They indicate who the ‘he’ is (the prince confirms the covenant, his people destroy Jerusalem and the temple, he causes the abomination of desolation.) ‘Shall Confirm’ is future tense. The context says ‘he’ is a prince, not a king … not a general … not a great warrior … not a savior or messiah, but a prince. He, the prince, he shall confirm the covenant with many (MENA nations) for one week (7 years).
Given that God’s word is true, the fact that this prince is somehow involved with confirming the covenant with many nations obviously points us in the direction of Israel and those countries directly and immediately involved in and affected by the peace covenant. Once again, we must look at those countries and kingdoms in the Middle East. Consider MBS’ role as the prince and Saudi Arabia’s role as a country. The following comments and actions are factual and well documented by media in the public domain.
Saudi Arabia encourages full political normalization of Israel in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia has purchased Israeli surveillance (spy) technology and has intelligence ties with the Israeli intelligence apparatus.
Saudi Arabia has indicated that it views the ‘threat’ from Iran as the greatest challenge disturbing the ‘peace and security’ in the Middle East. The Israeli/Palestinian issue has become somewhat of an afterthought. It is still important to the Arab community at large, but pales in comparison relative to lining up a united Middle East front against Iran.
Saudi Arabia is united with Israel (and other Arab countries) against Iran and considers Israel as a strong ally and as a military ‘buffer’ between Iran and the Saudis. ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’
Saudi Arabia’s state controlled media has started commenting ‘favorably’ towards Israel.
Saudi Arabia’s state controlled media has started commenting ‘negatively’ towards the Palestinians for a number of reasons. Mostly for them bad-mouthing the House of Saud and appearing ungrateful for the financial largesse the House of Saud has been providing them on behalf of the regional Arab community. The Palestinian leaders are like a young child who when given several cookies, throws a temper tantrum complaining that is not enough, that he doesn’t like the cookies he is being given and then complains that they are stale and that he should have been given them earlier. In terms of the covenant, MBS has literally been documented and quoted saying that the “Palestinians should shut up and stop complaining and take what is being offered to them in the peace deal.” This one quote speaks volumes of where the peace deal stands within the region by those who have vetted its creation. Based on documented press articles, comments by both Jared Kushner and MBS, is that MBS has had substantial input into the design of the peace plan. We also know that Satan has MBS in his back pocket. It is logical to a clean and sober mind that hence, Satan has had his way in how the plan has been crafted. This false peace plan benefits MBS and Satan’s agenda. The false plan is deadly for Israel, come the midway point of the tribulation. Keep in mind that Satan had his fingerprints in the plan signed between the False Prophet and the King of the East. How well has that worked out for Christians in China? Satan also had his fingerprints in the Mystery Religion document of ‘human fraternity and brotherhood’ signed between the False Prophet and the Islamic Grand Imam. The covenant of peace and safety is truly false and is an agreement with death and hell, because Satan’s plan is to use the covenant to get access to Israel in order to destroy Jacob and ‘God’s chosen people.’ This plan will ultimately also give Satan access to the rebuilt 3rd temple so he can execute the abomination of desolation.
Saudi Arabia and Israel are both fighting against Islamic extremism - terrorism (“those who give Islam a bad name” quote Mohammed bin Salman).
Jared Kushner (an architect of the covenant) has expressly stated that he is waiting on MBS to ‘legitimize’ the plan, December, 2018. This reveals that the plan has been well vetted among those power players in the Middle East for their input and contributions. MBS’ input being the most important Arab political and financial influence. ‘He who holds the gold, makes the rules.’ The initial financial ‘investment’ in the deal was announced as $50 million over 5 years. What do we know about the number Five (5)? Instead, God’s word says that the plan will be for 7 years, not 5. God’s 7 year divine completion to his plan or purposes overrules Satan’s 5 year plan. Regardless of the covenant’s details, it will not be supported, endorsed, implemented, agreed to or otherwise ‘confirmed’ unless approved by MBS for the benefit of the region (the ‘many’ MENA, Middle East / North African / Arabic-Islamic Countries). MBS is the ‘king pin’ or ‘lynch pin’ that pivots an endorsement of the covenant. I have previously stated the importance and influence that MBS, the House of Saud and Saudi Arabia have on their fellow Arabic and Muslim neighbors (those who worship the dragon and the beast.) Some believe that the ‘confirmation’ involves the beast strengthening the plan. MBS may likely suggest extending the plan from five (5) to seven (7) years as an ‘incentive’ for the Palestinians to stop waffling and give in and accept the plan so the region can move on from this issue and focus on Iran.
Jared Kushner has stated the peace plan and process runs through Riyadh (Saudi Arabia’s capital).
Jared Kushner and MBS are ‘BFF’s’ (using a modern term). And have each other on ‘speed dial’ (using an old term). Jared and MBS are roughly the same age. Jared is Jewish, MBS obviously Muslim. They both share a passion and obsession with change and reform. Both seek a ‘new future’ respectively. Both MBS and Jared, came out of obscurity recently, suddenly and unexpectedly. MBS in 2015 and Jared after Donald Trump’s election.
MBS is the same age as when Jesus Christ walked the Earth with his ministry of salvation for mankind. Consider the obscene ‘wrecking-ball’ ministry that MBS has implemented in the Middle East since he gained power such a very short time ago.
MBS’ ministry to mankind, while he is in power now and through the tribulation is enslavement, control, repression, death and deception (5 satanic influences). Do not mock the influence he has had on human rights violations, homicide in Yemen (world’s greatest humanitarian crisis, which he started), surveillance and repression of his citizens and dissidents and his forthcoming deception of Christians and Jews. He fits the literal description of an angry, narcissist, egotistical, murderous, pathological Beast (5 satanic behaviors).
Scripturally, we do not know exactly when the prince, the beast of the abomination of desolation will confirm the covenant. We do not know if the Israeli government will be in place or formed, given the current election circumstances. We do not know if the covenant is forced upon them, although we are told that they ‘are in agreement with death and have made a covenant with hell.’ Some believe that the true Church, the Bride of Christ will not be here to witness the coming ‘confirmation.’ The reason being that the confirmation is believed to signal the start of the tribulation. We see through a veil darkly. From the standpoint of the Bride, we may not need to be here to witness or observe the confirmation. The confirmation affects Israel and evil Gentile nations. It has no direct bearing on Christ’s Bride other than being another sign post signaling a further downward drop-off in the world’s highway towards hell.
Mohammed bin Salman fits the Biblical narrative of the prince of the confirmation and of the abomination of desolation, unlike any other prince of evil power in the Middle East, or anywhere else on earth.

The Beast/MBS’ evil connection to Jerusalem:

Satan has the mosque Satan desires the Rebuilt 3rd temple
As the ruling member of the House of Saud, MBS plays the key role as the custodian of Islam’s two holiest temples. Islam’s third holy temple is in Jerusalem. This is currently not controlled by MBS or the House of Saud. It is controlled by the Jordanian Islamic Custodian. This has become a point of contention. MBS seeks to control ALL of Islam’s holiest temples. The two in Saudi Arabia and the mosque in Jerusalem. Saudis claim to ‘those that worship the dragon and the beast’ that they are best qualified and efficient at managing Islam’s holiest places. They point to the squalor and corruption of the current custodian regarding his poor utilization of funds provided to him for the management and upkeep of Jerusalem’s holiest Islamic temple. True to an evil heart, MBS covets further religious control of Satan’s earthly kingdom.
Satan loves nothing more than to make a mockery of God’s Holy city, that which bears God’s stamp of ownership and His name. Satan has his fingers in Jerusalem, via Islam’s 3rd mosque. Having one of his mosques in Jerusalem is a way of defiling the holiness of the ‘apple of God’s eye.’ It’s Satan’s attempt at poking God in the eye, unsuccessfully.
In the unfolding of prophetic events, the covenant will likely entail agreements and clauses that allow the rebuilding of the Jewish 3rd temple and handing custodianship of Islam’s 3rd Temple to the Saudis, House of Saud and MBS. Having custodianship of the Islam’s mosque in Jerusalem, gives MBS legal, religious and covenant rights to travel to and be physically present in Jerusalem. This gives the Beast access to the middle of God’s holy city. This will also enable him to be physically present in the rebuilt 3rd Jewish temple and to cause the abomination of desolation. Consider that MBS was widely criticized throughout the Muslim world for ‘walking on top of the Kaa’ba (the black rock or cube) in Mekkah early in 2019. This was viewed as defiling an Islamic holy place and generated outrage among more orthodox Muslims. In Biblical words, ‘he was where he ought not be.’ The same can be said when MBS defiles the Jewish temple while under the power and dominion of Satan. MBS has no respect even for his own evil religion (those who worship the dragon and the beast), let alone anyone else’s false mystery religions and idols. It is all about him and his power, control and perceived superiority. His feigned interest in and endorsement of moderate Islam, Jews, Christians and those of the ‘mystery religion’ is a deception, a ruse, a farce, a smoke screen and a deliberate Satanic plan to deceive. It is a means to Satan’s end. It is a means to destroy Christianity, to destroy the Jew’s redemption and to destroy the mystery religion. The end game result is that Satan desires to be worshipped exclusively by the world and to make the greatest mockery of the Triune God. By doing this, Satan will think he has accomplished his “5 I will’s.”
Five-fold Evils Born of the Spirit of Iniquity:
  1. P … “I will ascend into heaven.” (position)
  2. R … “I will rule at my throne above the stars of God.” (rule)
  3. I … “I will be idolized or worshipped.” (idolized)
  4. D … “I will be dazzling.” (dazzling)
  5. E … “I will be equal to God.” (equal)
… “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isaiah 14:12-15).
"I WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN." Lucifer wanted to scale to the heavens. He desired to occupy the highest heavens: There are three heavens, Lucifer wanted to occupy the third heaven, God’s throne. (POSITION)
I WILL EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD." Lucifer’s position and service before God’s throne was not enough. He wanted a throne from which he could exercise final authority and make decisions pertaining to the angelic host. He wanted to rule over all the angels. God had made him an exalted angel, but Lucifer wanted to be exalted even more. (RULE)
"I WILL SIT ALSO UPON THE MOUNT OF THE CONGREGATION." He desired to sit or be enthroned in the highest place having all the angelic assemblies in submission to him. He wanted to be the center of attention. (IDOLIZED)
"I WILL ASCEND ABOVE THE HEIGHTS OF THE CLOUDS." Lucifer coveted God’s glory for his own. He failed to acknowledge that his glory and beauty all came from and was dependent upon God. In his sinful pride, Lucifer wanted a glory that would impress all creatures. (DAZZLING)
"I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH." He wanted to be like God and to take God’s place as Possessor and Ruler of all. He wanted to become a completely independent creature, responsible to no one. (EQUAL).
Satan’s five (5) “I WILLS,” have his evil fingerprints over everything evil referred to in the book of Revelation. His desire to counterfeit everything that God accomplished through his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, is manifested in the Babylonian system (compared to heaven), NEOM Babylonian City (compared to New, Heavenly Jerusalem), Babylonian False Mystery Relgion (compared to the true worship of God/Jesus Christ), MBS/Beast/Antichrist (compared to Jesus Christ), False Prophet (compared to John the Baptist). Satan is the consumate ‘puppet master’ and counter-feiter, pulling the strings of the Beast and the False Prophet to deceive mankind with his false, evil promises and doctrines compared to the truth of salvation provided and offered by Jesus Christ. The ministry of Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet is deception, enslavement and eternal death.

The Beast/MBS’ Abomination of Desolation in the Rebuilt 3rd Temple in Jerusalem:

Daniel 9:26-27
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Matthew 24:15:
"Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand) then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."
Daniel 11:36
Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done.
2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. (they = people of the prince)
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
There are Six (6) references to the Beast and his Abomination of Desolation. 6 is the number of the Beast, an evil man. The 6 references is a double confirmation of whom God is speaking of. There should absolutely be no confusion or misunderstanding that God is prophetically speaking of the Beast in all 6 verses.
A prophetic foreshadowing of the Beast’s future abomination of desolation. Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) walks on top of the Kaa’ba (black cube) generating outcry among Muslims that he is ‘defiling’ Muslim’s holy site. He is ‘where he ought not be.’ He has no respect for sanctuaries or holy spots, whether they be true or false.

Recent Past
Near Future

Midpoint of the coming tribulation

The Beast/MBS’ role as the ‘Mujaddid’ - Islamic Savior, Reformer, Prophet by ‘those who worship the dragon and the beast.’
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Sheikh Abdur Rahman Sudais, Grand Imam of Masijdil Al-Harman in Makkah. Grand Imam of the Grand Mosque and most sacred sanctuary of Islam, the Ka’aba.
Khutba (sermon), Friday October 20, 2018.
Once every century, Allah (Dragon) sends a ‘mujaddid’, a great reformer to reclaim or reinvigorate the faith. The mujaddid is needed to address the unique challenges of each age.”
During this sermon, the ‘Grand Imam’ proceeded to extol Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a ‘divine’ gift to Muslims and implied that the Crown Prince was the mujaddid sent by Allah (Dragon) to ‘revive the Islamic faith in our age.’
The path of reform and modernization in this blessed land (Saudi Arabia) … through the care and attention from its young, ambitious, ‘divinely inspired’ Crown Prince, who continues to blaze forward guided by his vision of innovation and insightful modernism.”
The Grand Imam used the word “mujaddid,” and “uniquely and singularly gifted” to describe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He was called the faithful Crown Prince, the protector and guardian of the holy sites of Islam. He was bestowed the honourable title – khadim al-Haramayn as-Sharifyan. Servant of the two holy sanctuaries of Islam.
No Imam of the Grand Mosque has ever anointed a Saudi (House of Saud) ruler as the mujaddid of the age or implied as such.
The Grand Imam elevated Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to sacred qualities and insisted absolute obedience of the monarchs like one would obey God.
The Word of the true God is literal, simple and true regarding ‘those who worship the dragon and the beast.’
The growing Islamic religious propaganda being dispersed has been vetted by the House of Saud. They have control of the religious elite in positions of leadership within Islam. How short of a leash the House of Saud has on the Islamic elite has come into question and debate, behind the scenes. The House of Saud is the paymaster. That should come as no surprise. Some within Islamic circles have called out the Imam who suggested MBS was a mujaddid. Mostly because of MBS’ horrific human rights record of violations. Is was suggested that this Iman was ‘boot-licking’ or ‘sucking up’ to the House of Saud to stay in good graces with them. Many, in both the political, financial and religious circles are running scared and are anxious of offending House of Saud, and MBS in particular. This should come as no surprise. Both House of Saud and MBS are presently quiet regarding the Iman’s references to MBS’ ‘divine’ qualities and being a mujaddid. They have no reason to deny it because it will play into their hands of having greater power and control over all the Arab tribal factions in Saudi society and culture. This is part and parcel of Satan’s strategy to set up the confirmation of MBS’ false Islamic ‘divinity’ by showcasing MBS’ ‘miraculous’ recovery (false resurrection) from the lethal sword wound that should have killed him. ‘And they wondered after the beast, who had the lethal wound by a sword, and did live.’ The thinking goes … ‘MBS must be divine or why else would Allah (Satan) intervene and heal him.’
This palace coup on MBS’ life, and his miraculous recovery, will likely become the capstone event causing a societal impulse … ‘that they should worship the beast and his image.’ Note: Saudi Arabia has the LARGEST 3D printing technology in the world. They are currently using it to fabricate entire housing complexes. Also, this technology is capable of rendering the most exquisite detail and features of just about any image scanned, including humans. Statues of animals, people and various other things have already been created around the world with this technology. Why do I mention this? The Bible is very clear that the False Prophet (of all people) will be the one to suggest that they build an image of the beast and also to worship, revere it. The 3D technology in Saudi possession will be utilized, at some point, to likely build extremely life-like looking 10’ (foot) statues of MBS. These will be placed anywhere and everywhere, just as his image and likeness already exist everywhere throughout the kingdom. MBS will transition from a political figure, to a revered and worshipped religious figure. This should come as no surprise.
Notice again: The Bible uses the word ‘build,’ as in manufacture. This what 3D technology is used for in Saudi Arabia, to build and manufacture.
Even as a satanically possessed, flesh-and-blood human, MBS won’t spend the remaining 3 and half years of the tribulation sitting in the ‘holy of holies’ in the rebuilt 3rd temple. My discernment is that they (those that worship the dragon and beast) will build a 10’ (foot) tall, 3D replica or idol of MBS and put in the tabernacle sanctuary. This has the satanic effect of blaspheming God, 24/7/365 and continuously reminding people that they are to worship Satan (via his indwelling of MBS) exclusively. Satan can only get people to this point of being deceived enough to worship him, by getting humans to believe that MBS is something that he is not. A false, Antichrist. A 10’ idol or statue? Is this far-fetched? Consider God’s word.
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
They = people of the Prince.
Abomination = Idolatrous statue. Blasphemous idol. Evil 3D replica of MBS.
An image, statue or figure in a park is more or less just that, as long as it is not worshipped as God. An example today of a commonly seen, idolatrous, concrete statue is the ‘Queen of Heaven’ Mary idol. This idol resides in homes, yards, dashboards, on t-shirts. It is placed and worshipped in both secular and sacred places. It is not a true, fair or honest representation of the Triune God. He is mocked and offended by it. When the statue, image or likeness of a person (male or female) is placed in holy spot or sanctuary specifically dedicated as such, instead of God, it becomes an abomination to God.
Deuteronomy 4:16 
Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female. (Last time I checked in our gender confused society, is that the likeness of ‘Mary’ is still that of a female or woman).
When I look at the old picture of myself on my driver license, I get angry because it doesn’t look like anything that I am. It is not a fair or honest representation of myself. To me, the picture is of an imposter, someone pretending to be me. Its deceiving because it doesn’t do me justice or put me in a good light. Someone might look at it and laugh. My adult children laugh at my photo (not mean spirited, but in jest.) The point is that my picture is an abomination of who I am. I don’t want to be thought of in that light. I don’t want to be remembered by that picture. That picture is an offense to me. Get rid of it. I want a new license with a better picture. Provide a better picture with more light and less darkness. Please take a driver picture that is just, fair, truthful and an honest representation of who I am. My current picture mocks who I am.
Is this how our Lord feels when idolatrous, blasphemous idols and abominations are put in places ‘where they shouldn’t be’ and worshipped as something they are not? Does God feel mocked by these? I believe you know the answer if you are truthful with yourself.
Setting up and placing an abomination in the sanctuary. My discernment is that the ‘abomination’ referred to is a literal idol or statue of MBS, set up and placed in the holiest spot (center spot of attention, importance and devotion) to most offend God. The reason for my discernment as to a 10’ or 15’ idol is that this would be a doubling or tripling of satanic influence (5+5+5). The statue or idol will appear ‘larger than life’ in another deception of false divinity and stature. This abomination of a statue or idol will sit in the holy sanctuary for 1,290 days, blaspheming and mocking God 24/7/365. Once the set up and placement of the idol occurs in the sanctuary, an astute person could set their clock, knowing that exactly in 1,290 days from that point forward, the second coming of Jesus Christ will occur and he will annihilate these mocking enemies of the Triune God. God will not be mocked. Very few, if any, alive at this time will be aware of this, let alone understand the significance and meaning of the days prophesied.
… ‘and they worshipped the beast and his image.’


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