The Underhanded and Nefarious
Being a Christian, I try very hard to understand the reasons that people do some of the things they do. I have found it impossible to reason out any of the actions of Barack Obama or whatever his name is.
Since I am NOT a PARTY person, but rather choose to pick the candidates I support because of who they are and not what party they belong too, the fact Obama is a Democrat has nothing to do with this except it just re-enforces some of his actions against Americans and others.
I wrote about him about 2 years after he took office having noted he is a Colonialist, disliking America and his objective to destroy as much of America and her people as he could all in the name of the under-privileged when what he did for them was bury them deeper into nothingness and dependency.
His latest actions since his meeting with President-elect Trump have been nasty, vile and intentionally disruptive and damaging to not only the future of America but other parts of the world, namely Israel.
Back in 2011, Obama began showing his distaste for Israel when he urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa and the tomb of Jesus Christ to various radical Islamic organizations.
Again in 2013, Obama tried to talk Israel into just handing over the holist Christian and Jewish sites to those very same Islamic groups.
This man Obama cannot possibly be a Christian even though he supposedly sat in Rev. Wright’s church for 20 years. We learned long ago of the antics being carried out by Wright and the black, male members of his church.
Obama as the Muslim I believe he is, must be questioned as to his concern that Palestine be recognized as a country entitled to the land owned by Israel. It is currently being rumored that John Kerry at the direction of Obama is currently finalizing a document that Obama hopes will form the basis for a UN Security Council resolution that will officially recognize a Palestinian state before the end of Obama’s term on January 20th.
If Obama is not a Muslim, than from my way of thinking, he just hates Americans.
If he were a Christian, he would have never considered doing what he did thru the U.N. in telling the U.S. not to veto against Resolution 2334.
Obama the man has proven over and over that he is a liar and he has never shown that to be more true than with his actions since his meeting with Trump. He sat there in an interview with Trump and reporters, telling the world what a great meeting they had and how he intended to help with the transition into the change-over and he lied.
After wasting all our tax-payer money flying around the country supporting Hillary and now since she has lost and his meeting with Trump is over, he talks about how he should have pushed to re-run for a third term arguing that a majority of Americans continue to support his progressive vision for the country not caring the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution says he could not – but then when has Obama ever cared about anything in the Constitution?
Obama told Marines at the base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii during his Christmas vacation, “I am confident in this vision, because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could have mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it. I know that in conversations that I've had with people around the country," he continued, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say, the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one."
This ego ridden individual also decided to turn his back on Clinton and criticized her for how she ran her campaign refusing to see that the American people are just plain tired of being lied too and “ruled” by a “self-serving president/government and illegal Executive Orders.
I personally have no doubt it will be proven that Obama was behind this recent attack against Israel. Both Hillary and Obama have brought Muslims of very questionable character and relationships into the White House.
Many Muslims have become good American citizens assimilating to our country and its government. Some have even fought in the US Armed Forces and against radical Islamic terrorism. But our elected president has deliberately brought within the folds of our government members of the Muslim Brotherhood (the progenitor of Jihadism), and its front groups, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
Slowly and methodically over the past 8 years, Obama has been filling the Washington bureaucracy to include DHS, National Security Council, CIA, White House, State Department, DOD, US Armed Forces and every US Intelligence Agency with members of the above-mentioned groups. Obama has acted as a “tool” for the Jihadi movement in the U.S.
Obama’s CIA director John Brennan converted has to the Muslim faith; Huma Abedin, former aide to Hillary; Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan; Mohammed Elibiary, Advisor to DHS Security; Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel; and Malick Obama, the Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Finance and Arms Procurement, Obama’s half-brother.
To make matters worse, Obama senior appointee Lois Lerner, IRS Director at the time, is now implicated in providing material support to Malik Obama. Malik Obama is a known Muslim Brotherhood terrorist and has been granted undeniable special privilege under U.S. law and in granting that privilege, Lerner even used an alias and a private email server initially to complete the act. In other words, she knew what she was doing was treason and she was attempting to cover it up.
Richard Higgins (former DOD Manager of the Combating Terrorism & Technical Support Office & Irregular Warfare Section) made explosive charges on national radio stating, "What leaders in the Obama administration are actually scrubbing is any references to the Islamic doctrine that would allow us to define who is or who is not actually one of our enemies. When you look at the deliberate decision-making process of the Obama administration, as it relates to “Radical Islam”, that deliberate decision-making process is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. And the way they control it is by prohibiting US National Security Agencypersonnel from ever developing an understanding to the level where Phil Haney had it."
Americans have heard for themselves Obama, Hillary and Susan Rice LIE about something as serious as Benghazi and Extortion 17. Americans need to understand the Muslim Brotherhood has been banned from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirate because the Muslim Brotherhood & CAIR have been identified as International Terrorist organizations that have tried to undermine and overthrow friendly Muslim Middle East governments.
Yet the Obama administration has brought numerous members of the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and given them positions near and dear to classified information.
Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower and former Dept. of Homeland Security official this year released his book “See Something, Say Nothing” explaining the backroom maneuvers going on to deceive America’s citizens.
Since 2007 a subtle play has been happening at the UN between the Organization of the Islamic Congress (OIC) countries led by Pakistan and the West (mainly EU, US and their allies).
What is also becoming apparent is that Western values no longer have the power they once had in the United Nations (UN) and our platform of democracy and equality is also being eroded. The growing Muslim voting block of nations is slowly but surely introducing Sharia Law into the UN and apparently without anyone really noticing.
On 18 December 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution “Combating Defamation of Religions” by 108 votes to 51 with 25 abstentions. The resolution expresses “deep concern about the negative stereotyping of religions and manifestations of intolerance and discrimination in matters of religion or belief”. But the only religion mentioned by name was Islam.
What this resolution did was in effect give Islam Human Rights status—something that should be only accorded to human beings not to an ideology or religion.
One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion. Watching these two video’s will give you all the information you need along with showing you the deliberate direction the Obama administration has taken against this country.
After listening to the two video’s I wonder if you will also believe as I do is that a great deal of Obama’s actions has been in motion to destroy all Western civilization from within. The gravitational force of the Global Islamic Movement is not radicalization - the gravitational force of the Global Islamic Movement is the implementation of Sharia Law.
Our government has been supporting and approving the operation of over 165 Muslim Gulen Charter schools in this country since 2000 on YOUR tax dollars hidden under various names. American parents are actually sending their non-Muslim children to these schools. Have American parents totally lost their minds?
This video by Bill Whittle exposes how Obama has been impeding Federal Law Enforcement from identifying and effectively fighting “Radical Islamic Terrorists” within the US.
Just who is the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations – certainly not a person favorable to the United States:
• Samantha Powers is the wife of Cass Sunstein Obama’s former regulatory czar who has been labeled the most dangerous liberal in America.
• Powers passionately hates Israel and her remarks here and here and here prove it.
• Powers once worked for the George Soros’ ‘think tank’ ICG (International Crisis Group)
• In a 2002 interview she stated the U.S. should pour billions of dollars of taxpayer money into a new state of Palestine.
• She was re-hired in 2009 as Obama’s Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council.
If this recent slap in the face of Israel is enough to make the United States decide to leave the United Nations I say hurrah! As of 2007, we were pouring $7.7 BILLION dollars into the UN a YEAR with no change and no results. After a nine-month examination in 2015 of the U.N. organization’s anti-fraud policies, what examiners found was something akin to anarchy: a “state of near denial” among some U.N. organizations about the theft of their goods, money and services; and inertia, incoherence and a “perceived sense of impunity for fraud perpetrators” in many others.
Among other results the report showed “more than half” of some 16,000 U.N. staffers and 164 executive managers consulted by the examiners who had completed a “fraud perception survey” indicated that they believe that fraudulent behavior goes unpunished in their organization.
The United Nations has continually been linked to fraud and corruption. The pay their staff receives is approximately 38% higher than the average comparable employee in the U.S. government. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s New York Secretariat stated, “Fraud is not considered a corporate risk within the Secretariat, and no specific fraud risk assessments are conducted.”
In 2012, the Heritage Foundation and others called for the US to rein in the UN’s lavish salaries after having discovered that U.N. employees in the professional and higher grades in New York earn a net remuneration (take-home salary) that averages 29.5 percent higher than that of equivalent U.S. civil servant grades in Washington, D.C. Moreover, U.N. employees enjoy benefits that in many cases exceed those of U.S. civil servants.
Is it not enough the UN has consistently over the years paid money intended for those in need to their country’s dictators? The world should be enraged at the billions upon billions of $$ that have continually been funneled through the United Nations and the countries they were supposed to help are still in poverty, sick and starving.
Ban Ki-moon once again calling for emergency funds earlier this month for Global Humanity which he claims has quadrupled over the years, leaving more than 128 million people in need of assistance. Did these people just crop up or have they been ignored for years and the money sent to their dictators? I say “get your house in order and in fact we just need to close you down”.