According to Scripture, the greatest political leader in history - the man of lawlessness (a.k.a. the Antichrist) - will arise from Europe to seek world domination and deceive countless people near the time of Christ's return.
Somewhere at this very moment on Planet Earth, the Antichrist is almost certainly alive, and there is much speculation about the identity of this Antichrist. Among the speculation, some of the more popular Antichrist candidates include: Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Pope Francis.
Yet, out of all the Antichrist candidates who have come and gone, Emmanuel Macron, who became President of France on the 14th of May, 2017, has generated more end-time buzz than any other world leader that I know! This is because Macron seems to fit the exact characteristics of the Antichrist in so many ways...
1. The Antichrist will rise suddenly from obscurity (Daniel 7:8; 8:9). Many news reports speak of Macron's meteoric rise from obscurity, appearing out of nowhere! A year before the French election, Macron had no political party and no previous electoral experience. Two years before, he was a virtual nobody. See: Who's behind the mysterious rise of Emmanuel Macron?
Further still, France has been in chaos from all the terrorist attacks and the far-right Front National candidate, Marine Le Pen, seemed the only answer to the madness. And yet, Emmanuel Macron won a landslide victory over Marine Le Pen in the French election. At age 39, he is the youngest President France has ever had, and not since 1958 and Charles de Gaulle has a French President ever won such a powerful majority, taking 351 out of 577 seats! Macron's rise has been nothing short of meteoric. It is in fact unprecedented.
2. The number 666 will be related to the Antichrist and is possible to be computed (Revelation 13:18). According to Dr. E.W. Bullinger, "when the name of the Antichrist is known its gematria will doubtless be found to be the number 666". There are 36 (6 x 6) total characters in Macron's name (32 letters, 1 dash, 3 spaces). If you give each character a value of it's position and calculate the sum, you get 666 (1+2+3+...+36 = 666).
Furthermore, Macron won the French presidency by 66.06% of the vote and assumed office on May 14, 2017 (Israel's 69th anniversary as a reborn nation, what a coincidence!).
3. The Antichrist will claim to be God and is worshiped (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Macron has already claimed he will "Rule like the Roman god Jupiter," in homage to the highest pagan god in the Roman and Greek pantheons, the king of all the gods in ancient roman religions (see here). In open reference to this, Macron's own nickname in France now is "Jupiter". Other names given to him include: "Jesus Macron", "Europe's Savior" and "the new Louis XIV" (or the "Sun King" reborn).
Macron seems to adore the attention, even (jestingly) allowing people to draw attention to the origin of his own name "Emmanuel," which of course means in Hebrew "God is with us." In fact, all parts of his name call him some sort of God or Jesus, except his last name meaning: "a written or printed mark..."!
This is the meaning of his full name:
Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
Emmanuel - God with us
Jean - gift from God
Michel - who is like God?
Frédéric - peaceful ruler (Prince of Peace is the title for Jesus Christ)
Macron - a written or printed mark (The Antichrist is known to require people to take his mark in order to be able to buy or sell in the Bible, known as the mark of the beast - Rev 13:16-17)
Coincidently, he was born on 21 December 1977, which is the Winter Solstice or the shortest day of the year. The reason December 24 and December 25 were picked for Jesus' birthday is because those were considered to be the Winter Solstice, or the shortest day of the year...
Technically being born on Christmas, and with the name of "Emmanuel", Macron could falsely claim that he is the fulfillment of the prophecy given in Isaiah 7:14:
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
4. The Antichrist will be a prince (Daniel 7:8; 9:26). Unlike most European and western leaders, Macron is technically a prince, becoming co-prince of Andorra, a small principality located between France and Spain, at the same time he assumed office! The remaining royalty in western and northern Europe have little or no power and are essentially just figureheads, but this particular royal has rocketed to power since he also holds the highest executive office in the country. Because of his party's sweep of legislative elections, some articles are even calling him a monarch who can rule by decree.

5. The Antichrist will be of Roman descent, rising out of the revived Roman Empire (the European Union) (Daniel 9:26). Macron is a citizen of Europe with Roman ancestry through both sides of his family, and his country, France, is part of the revived Roman Empire (EU). Macron is working on uniting Europe which would be a return of this power, and is currently leader of one of the two most powerful countries in the EU.
6. The Antichrist will be a sexual pervert and show no regard "for the desire of women" (Daniel 11:37). Strangely, young Emmanuel Macron (at age 15) fell in love with Brigitte Trogneux, a married teacher at his school, who at the time was 39! Despite her initial rejection of him and the fact that she was already a married mother-of-three, Macron did as he pleased and began an affair with Trogneux as a teenage boy nevertheless.

Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Trogneux, who's 24 years older
The desire of women is to have a family and children. Macron said he doesn't want kids of his own. There are also rumors he's homosexual and has had affairs with a few men.
Macron appears topless on cover of gay magazine
7. I expect the Antichrist to be an extremely charismatic leader, who is seemingly friendly and charming when he deceives people. Macron is young, good looking and charming, according to many articles. Haaretz News had this to say about Macron:
"When he takes the stage at rallies, you can feel Emmanuel Macron's messianic dimensions - the audience's near-sexual ecstasy, his followers' blind faith, his speech writers' evangelical messages. People yearn to get a picture with him, speak with him, touch him."
Macron's friend describes how the president is a "grand séducteur," a man who uses his prodigious gifts to get whatever he wants. Macron, he explains, is a polymath, a person who is able to acquire significant expertise in a variety of different subjects to quickly become an expert in them, and that he uses this ability to ingratiate himself with others.

The Financial Times, quoting a source who has known Macron well for years, detailed how, "...he seduces everyone. And then he kills." The FT source says Macron is always charming, especially with enemies and those hostile to him. During the election, for example, Macron took particular pleasure in always trying to meet his opponents, even the most hostile, face to face. He did this, so the source says, because he was and is so confident of his own charm, and in his ability to "win people over."
8. I expect the Antichrist to be a clever psychopath who is ruthless towards others behind the scenes (Daniel 8:23). Macron's leadership style is beginning to emerge, and it IS ruthless. For instance, President Francois Hollande made Macron a government minister, until Macron abandoned Hollande and ultimately took his job. Another instance was when Macron purged three well-established and senior ministers in the first few days of his administration. Macron has wasted no time in also lecturing, and greatly offending eastern and central European leaders on what he perceives as their collective failure to accept adequate amounts of refugees from the Middle East into their nations.
Macron has told French politicians, from both left and right, they'll have to play by his rules if they want to be in his camp (See: Macron lays down law to big beasts of French politics). Back in June, the whole world witnessed France's president publicly humiliating a teenager for calling him 'Manu' (see here). French president Emmanuel Macron, contrary to his public image, Sophie Pedder, says, ".... can be very ruthless when he wants to be."
Macron's consistently scornful approach to the normal rules and boundaries of life has led leading European psychiatrist Adriano Sagatori, who has studied Macron extensively, to actually declare him as a potential psychopath (source).
9. The Antichrist will be a globalist (Rev 13:7), beginning his rise to prominence as a person who addresses some of the world's major problems through diplomacy. He will appear to be the savior of the world (Rev 13:4). Emmanuel Macron is the darling of globalism, he is its very embodiment. Macron is such a globalist that he has stated that "the French culture does not exist." One prime example of Macron addressing wold problems is his role of leadership in the "Climate Change" global farce. Interestingly, Climate Change, formerly known as "Global Warming" has always been considered the vehicle by which the Globalists will dominate and control the world's economies.
Macron has already been successful in France, representing all that is wrong in Europe: Socialism, no borders, immigration madness, Islam exaltation, and Godlessness. In France, Macron is already being called "Jesus Macron", Europe's Savior and "Sun King" reborn. Last year, the Rothschild magazine portrayed Macron in a Christ-like walking-on-water photo with the headline "Europe's Saviour?":

10. The Antichrist will be the most arrogant person of all time (Daniel 11:36; 8:25) since he will have the audacity to claim that he is God and will demand the world to worship him (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Macron's claim that he will "Rule like the Roman god Jupiter," is in effect a statement that he wants to rule "above every god" (Dan 11:36).
Macron has been criticized for taking an arrogant approach, such as when he didn't conduct the traditional French presidents' Bastille Day TV interview because his thoughts are "too complex" for such a forum. Leading European psychiatrist Adriano Sagatori states, "Like all psychopaths, he believes in his higher purpose. Macron does not love France and will not fight for the French people." Sagatori continued, "Macron loves only himself...The paradox is that he appears normal, but we have a case of full-blown narcissism."
By the way, this impression of Macron is not an isolated one, it seems to be echoed by many other people, especially those close to him. Even Emmanuel Macron's wife 'thinks he is arrogant'!
11. The ultimate source of the Antichrist's power is Satan (Revelation 13:2), and Satan has [some] supernatural abilities (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2). Thus, I expect the Antichrist to possess some unusual or unique traits. A reporter followed Macron for a week and noticed some unique traits he displayed, documenting them in this article. These include not breaking in sweltering heat, possessing relentless energy (which he is renowned for), being able to look at someone and convince them to trust him with his "penetrating blue eyes", being able to recite perfect Greek, and playing both sides in a bid for a newspaper.
Macron's former classmates reckon "he was not like the others". As a teenager and young adult, Macron was always hanging around older people - having dinners with his teachers, avoiding the advances of girls his own age (no regard "for the desire of women" - Dan 11:37), according to his former classmates.
12. The Antichrist will rule a ten-nation confederacy which will rise out of a revived Roman Empire (the European Union) (Daniel 2:31-35; 40-45; 7:7-8; 19-24; Revelation 13:1-2; 17:3; 7; 12-16). Interestingly, Macron's been pushing to bring together a core 10-nation "Coalition of the Willing" EU Army to prepare European armed forces to take action together in emergencies, and to bind Britain into military cooperation as it leaves the EU. Just this week, a coalition of ten European militaries ready to defend the continent's borders has been unveiled in Paris, just days after Emmanuel Macron called for a "real European army". See: Macron unveils European defence coalition
13. I expect the Antichrist to be fluent in at least a few widely-spoken languages, including the English language. Macron does indeed speak English fluently and has even given a number of interviews in English with the British media. It is often joked that Macron speaks better English than Americans, including their president, Donald Trump!
I do find it interesting that Macron consistently speaks the most common language of the day. A vast number of Europeans speak (or at least understand) English as a second language. Thus, is it any surprise that Macron would abandon use of his native tongue in favor of a common language? Here's a video of Macron speaking fluent English in an interview:
Macron also speaks German (and who knows what else).
14. The Antichrist is going to make, and sign, a seven-year peace treaty with Israel (Daniel 9:27). Interestingly, even Macron has wanted to offer Israel "Safety and Security" as he attempts to do what no one to date has been able to do: To bring peace between Israel and the PA. Macron is interested in being a significant factor in the attempts to renew talks between Israel and the PA, and the French are already working on their own peace plan (see here)!
Apparently, if US President Donald Trump does not present his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan next month, Macron will issue a proposal of his own! See: Macron to unveil peace plan soon if Trump doesn't

Macron calls for renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
15. The Antichrist will be smart economically, controlling the world's economy (Revelation 13:16-17). Also, some think the Antichrist will be a Rothschild or one of their puppets - a must for all Antichrists with their love of global financial domination. Macron is very smart economically having worked for the Rothschilds banking corporation! In 2008, Macron became an investment banker with Rothschild, and surprisingly, was promoted from an entry level position with the Rothschild banking system to a partner after just two years. In just one meeting, Macron convinced the Rothschild banker to make him a partner within 3 hours of talking to him, which the banker said was unprecedented. He made a 10 billion dollar deal there, earning his nickname, "the Mozart of Finance," and has a net worth of already $32 million despite saying he's not a millionaire in his presidential run documentary.
In 2012, Macron left Rothschild to become deputy secretary-general at the Elysée for two years, then was quickly promoted to Minister of Economy and Finance. Ex-minister and senior civil servant Jean-Pierre Jouyet, told Macron at the time he took the job as economy minister: "You're the boss now." Macron was indeed a financial genius.
16. The Antichrist is also a politician (Revelation 17:11-12). Macron's now arguably the most important political leader in Europe today, aside from Angela Merkel. After creating his own party En Marche (named with his own initials), then winning 350 out of 577 seats in the French parliament, all within one year of its creation, and now exploring creating his own party for the European Union and even his own political school - Macron's considered a political genius!
17. The Antichrist will change times and the law (Daniel 7:25). Ever since Macron took office, he's been completely changing many labor laws in France, which have caused multiple violent protests, and wants to change Sunday work times.
18. The Antichrist eventually forms his one-world religion (Revelation 17; 18). There is a strong case for this one-world religion being the Roman Catholic Church (see here). If this is the case, I expect the Antichrist to have some sort of link with Catholicism. Interestingly, Emmanuel Macron was born to non-religious, liberal parents but decided he wanted to be baptized a Catholic, at the age of 12, despite his parents' misgivings. He then received a Jesuit education until his last year of high school.
In June, Macron visited the pope at the Vatican (headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church) and was granted an unusually long meeting behind closed doors with Pope Francis (his longest meeting with a head of state) in which they discussed migration issues, conflict in the Middle East and the future unity of Europe.
Secular France has a strict separation between church and state, enshrined in law in 1905. Yet, in a speech to Catholics this year, Macron said he wanted to "repair the bond" between church and state.

Pope Francis meets with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Apostolic Palace on June 26, 2018 in Vatican City, Vatican.
19. The Antichrist has no regard for "any god" (Daniel 11:37), but "shall honor the god of fortresses" (Daniel 11:38). Being a secular lapsed Catholic, Macron gives no regard to any god (Dan 11:37). Interestingly though, the title "god of fortresses" belongs to none other than the Roman god Jupiter whose Greek equivalent is Zeus (source)! Macron's already claimed he will "Rule like the Roman god Jupiter"! See: Macron Declares He Will Govern Like a Roman God
20. The ultimate source of the Antichrist's power is Satan (Revelation 13:2), so I expect the Antichrist to be surrounded by demonic symbolism. The demonic symbolism around Macron is very troubling:
Macron walked out to the European Union national anthem "Ode to Joy", a song about Jesus (in which the lyrics, unknowingly, are actually about the entering of the shrine of a pagan goddess and the uniting of all men in brotherhood, by the power of magic), instead of the French national anthem when he made his presidential victory speech.
The symbol of a pyramid and all-seeing eye has long been associated with evil groups such as the Illuminati and the Free Masons, who have wanted to destroy the evangelical church and to have Satan worshiped instead. Macron celebrated his victory at the Louvre museum right in front of the glass pyramid composed of 666 pieces, with what looks like lit up eyes watching over him from the top. To top the night off, he held up his arm in a V shape that with the pyramid behind him made Masonic crest. See picture below.

Macron has given another speech on a stage shaped like the Masonic unfinished pyramid, as well as a stage that was lit up in the shape of a cross. In his debate with Marine Le Pen, Macron flashed the 666 hand signal many times, even on both hands at the same time. On other occasions, Macron has held up the satanic horned hand symbol.
There was even a photo of Emmanuel Macron having "horns" on his head on Time Magazine's cover (see it here). Was this deliberate? I don't know.
Could Macron be the Antichrist?
The Bible makes clear that the man of lawlessness (a.k.a. the Antichrist) will not be revealed until the Restrainer (Holy Spirit-indwelt Church) is removed (2 Thessalonians 2:3; 7-8). So no one will know for sure who the Antichrist is until the rapture occurs. That being said, we can speculate, and it certainly looks like a possibility (especially given the shortness of time).
While I am not willing to state that he is THE Antichrist, Macron certainly seems to be a prototype. Thus, the point of this article is not to identify who the Antichrist is, but to warn those here for tribulation. Also, whether Macron is the Antichrist or not, it is a guarantee that Macron will rise to a prominent position in European leadership. Amir Tsarfati says of Macron:
"I believe that in Emmanuel Macron's case I can very clearly say that we are watching a young, West European leader who was groomed by the 'one world order' gang for this powerful position. I am not talking about grooming him to be the Antichrist, but definitely toward leadership of Europe."
As Christians, we won't be here when the Antichrist is revealed, so we don't need to know who he is! But we DO need to know and understand the season in which we live. Jesus is coming...are you ready?